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The service portfolio management tool is a tool that allows a company / project to manage the portfolio of services they to maintain (offered to users / customers or internal). Agora provides an intuitive user interface which allows users to create/edit/update/delete their services and components. Users can login with credentials provided by the administrator, or use the shibboleth login functionality to login with their academic account.


Development instructions

Get the code

git clone

Create a virtualenv for agora

cd agora
mkvirtualenv agora

Install requirements

With virtualenv activated install python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run yarn inside the ui directory to install npm depending libraries.


Backend configuration

You can create a configuration file in order to override the default settings for the agora project. The default location of the .conf file is /etc/agora/settings.conf

The default contents of settings.conf are:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': '/tmp/db.agora.sqlite3'

EMAIL_FILE_PATH = '/tmp/agora/agora_emails'
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.filebased.EmailBackend'

You should override it with your database settings, you can read more information here.

NOTE: You must create a log folder containing a debug.log file in your base project directory or configure LOGGING setting with custom log options.

Finally, you should also create a deployment.conf file which should specify the root_url attribute to reflect the url of the backend server.

The default location of deployment.conf is in '/etc/agora/`.


    ":root_url": ""

UI configuration

You can edit the ui/config/environment.js file to set the default configuration options.
You can alter the value of rootURL and appURL that define where the ui is served and what is the main endpoint where the backend is located.
The page's title can be changed by setting the title option to your desired value.

Example options:

var ENV = {
  rootURL: '/ui/'
  appURL: '/api/v2/',
  title: 'Agora Admin',

UI Customization

You can customize the appearance of your installation by adding your own logo, favicon, style and domestic login method text.

You can place your own logo inside public/assets directory, whose name you must set in ui/config/environment.js. You can place your favicon inside public/assets directory, using the name favicon.ico.
You can also use a custom preprocessed stylesheet, which you should place inside styles folder. In order to process and and import the theme, you have to edit ui/config/environment.js file and set the theme option to match the name of the stylesheet my-themes.scss:

var ENV = {
    theme: 'my-theme',
    logo: '',

Moreover, you have add the compiled style file in ui/ember-cli-build.js:

app: {
  css: {
    'my-theme': '/assets/my-theme.css',

In case you want to alter the text for domestic login method, you can change the configuration option in config/environment.js as follows:

var ENV = {
  APP: {
    domestic_login_msg: "My login method"

You can additionally customize the content of the footer. The available options can be found in ui/config/environment.js file:

APP: {
  footer: {
    // If set, "Copyright © <copyright_years>" will appear in footer.
    copyright_years: '2018-2019',
    // If set, contact info  will be visible in footer.
    contact: '[email protected]',
    // If set, <info> will be visible in footer.
    info: 'Agora is a service developed and maintained by <a href="" alt="grnet">GRNET</a> co-funded by <a href="" alt="">EOSC-Hub</a> and <a href="">EUDAT CDI</a>',
    // Privacy Policy settings
    privacy_policy: true,
    privacy_login_service: 'AGORA AAI',
    privacy_login_url: '',
    privacy_service_url: '',
    // Cookies settings
    cookies_policy: true,
    cookies_title: 'Cookie Policy',
    cookies_service_name: 'Agora service',
    // ['Cookie Type', 'Cookie Provider', 'Cookie Name', 'Third party Cookies', 'Persistent or session Cookies', 'Purpose of Cookie']
    cookies: [
      ['Session State', '', '_shibsession_xyz', 'No', 'Session', 'Preserve user session information'],
    // Acccess Policy settings
    access_policy: false,
    // Terms of use settings
    terms: false,
    // If  set, logos will be visible in footer.
    logos: [{
      url: '',
      alt: 'grnet',
    }, {
      url: '',
      alt: 'europe',

They are all optional.


Users with role provideradmin and portfolioadmin can publish and unpublish resources and providers to EOSC Portal via agora. The portfolioadmin can also approve or reject onboarding applications for provider/resources from agora list pages. In order to disable this features, you must alter ui/config/environment.js as follows:

APP: {
  eosc_portal: {
    enabled: false,
    show_actions_resource: true,
    show_actions_provider: false,

Publish to EOSC Portal actions are visible in the UI only when show_actions is true.

To be able to publish resources to EOSC-API you should setup the values at agora/agora/

Use a user refresh token to connect with eosc-api as a service-to-service integration is not yet implemented. To get the client id and the user refresh token go to

Text editor configuration

We use TinyMCE editor for rich html textarea fields.
In order to use it you have to register in, get an API key and register your Domain name.
Then, you have to include your API key in UI configuration in ui/config/environment.js file:

    apiKey: 'my-api-key',


Run all migrations in order to construct the database schema.

Move inside agora folder, and run:

python migrate

You can load some initial data by running:


If you want to add dummy users to agora, for developoment purposes, run:

python loaddata fixtures/sample-providers.json
python loaddata fixtures/sample-users.json
python loaddata fixtures/sample-contactInformations.yaml
python loaddata fixtures/sample-resources.yaml

users.json will create users with usernames/passwords:

  • superadmin/12345
  • portfolioadmin/12345
  • provideradmin/12345
  • service_admin_1/12345
  • service_admin_2/12345
  • observer/12345


Serve ui files by running the command from inside ui/ directory:

./node_modules/.bin/ember build

This will create a dist , that will be served by Agora to deliver the UI.

Finally, run python runserver from inside agora folder to test that the application is installed properly.

You can now view your application in

Development with Docker

You will need docker-compose.

While on the root directory of the repo use the following command:

# docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-devel.yml up --build

If you want to check the Selenium tests locally :

# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml --project-name test-env  up --build
# or
# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml --project-name test-env  up --build --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from selenium-python-tests

or if you want to set up all the environment without run the selenium tests:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build selenium agora-backend agora-frontend

This will create a container for the backend ( runserver) and the frontend (ember build --watch). The containers are named agora-backend and agora-frontend respectively.

Agora can be accessed at localhost:8000.

To check the output of the container use docker logs, e.g. docker logs [-f] agora-backend

The database will be created in the backend directory (agora/mydb-docker.sqlite3) and will be reused across docker builds. If you want to reset it, just remove the file. If you want to use an existing database, overwrite it. You'll probably need root, as Docker runs and therefore creates/modifies files as root.

The database will be populated with some initial data. The users with username/password:

  • superadmin/12345
  • portfolioadmin/12345
  • provideradmin/12345
  • service_admin_1/12345
  • service_admin_2/12345
  • observer/12345

will be created.

If you want to run a shell in a container use

# docker exec -it agora-backend bash

If you want to attach to the running process use:

# docker attach agora-backend

Running without docker-compose:

  • To use the containers without docker-compose, you will have to build the containers, create and start them. You can check docker-compose.yml for info on options to use during container creation.



We use Selenium with Python 3 to do UI testing. The code of the Selenium tests is here.

To run the end-to-end selenium tests you just need a python environment with selenium package installed.

You can run the Selenium tests with the following command :

python --url

However, before using the Selenium tests, we would suggest you to read more about them here. Their purpose, their prerequisites, how to execute them, etc..


We also use pytest to run API testing and cypress for some e2e testing.

In order to test API, you must run


from inside agora folder with virtualenv activated. Make sure you have already installed the development requirements by issuing: pip install -r requirements_dev.txt. This will install the required version of pytest along with the needed dependencies pytest-env and pytest-django.


For e2e testing, open cypress using yarn:

yarn run cypress open

and follow the instruction in cypress test runner docs.

Jenkins CI/CD

To run the tests easily and quickly when new changes are made in the source code we use Jenkins with docker. In order to make tests run quicker we use a pre populated database using this docker image. It is very important to notice that when a fixture is updated we have to create a new image version for agora backend Follow these steps if you want to make fixture changes:

  • Make changes to fixtures in agora-sp and merge it to devel
  • go to agora-backend docker image and bump the version. (This will trigger the building of an image containing the changes made to devel)

Copyright and license

The work represented by this software was partially funded by:

  • EOSC-Hub project European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 program under Grant number 77753642.
  • EUDAT2020 European Union’s H2020 Program under Contract No. 654065.
  • EUDAT s Framework Programme 7 under Contract No. 283304.

Copyright (C) 2017-2022 GRNET S.A.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see