A social network for UPorto students where you can post all your favorite stuff and also privately speak with your friends individually or in a group. You can make posts with images, videos or outside links and other users can comment on your posts if they have permission.
- ER: Requirements Specification
- EBD: Database Specification
- EAP: Architecture Specification and Prototype
- PA: Product and Presentation
- The artefacts checklist is available at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSuG007baL93l2qDRNLbfAkbHQu6oZZwY04kPu21goo/edit?pli=1#gid=537406521
- Afonso Dias, [email protected]
- Diogo Leandro, [email protected]
- Ricardo Vieira, [email protected]
- Miguel Figueiredo, [email protected]
GROUP23102, 21/09/2023