xtb version 6.3.0
Feature release with a novel method, new runtypes and more periodic boundary conditions. Many thanks to Sebastian Spicher (@sespic) for contributing to this release.
- Bugfix: missing symmetry numbers for S4, S8, T, Th and O 🪲
- Bugfix: D4-ATM gradient for GFN2-xTB was slightly off 🪲
- new format for the parameter files for the xTB Hamiltonians
- GFN-FF implemented (see DOI: 10.1002/anie.202004239)
- 2D to 3D structure conversion for 2D connection tables in (sdf/mol)
- improved defaults for optimizer (RF based for less than 500 atoms, L-BFGS based otherwise)
- GFN1-xTB available under periodic boundary conditions
- new identifier system for the input
- new submodule: info, thermo, topo
- first stable C-API version (1.0.0)
- Deprecation: Python API has been migrated to https://github.com/grimme-lab/xtb-python