This module is focused on Gradle dependencies management, which is an essential part of software development. In Gradle, dependencies refer to external libraries and frameworks that a project requires to function correctly.
Managing dependencies can be a complicated task as it involves ensuring that all dependencies are compatible with each other and with the project's codebase. Gradle provides a robust and flexible system for managing dependencies that makes it easier to manage complex projects.
In this module, you will learn how to declare dependencies in your Gradle project, manage different versions of the same dependency, exclude transitive dependencies, and manage dependencies for different build variants. You will also learn how to use Gradle's dependency cache and how to publish your own dependencies to a remote repository.
By the end of this module, you should have a solid understanding of how to manage dependencies in a Gradle project and be able to apply this knowledge to your own projects effectively.
Install & configure projects modules & solve tasks.
Please read before:
The project consist all required modules for the task. You need to compile them and publish to Your local repository (_ publishToMavenLocal_ command).
The project has a runnable module ClientApp.
Which has 2 dependencies on: ScienceLibrary and SoftwareLibrary
Both libraries have dependencies on the Book module, but on different versions.
ScienceLibrary depends on booktransitive:0.1, SoftwareLibrary on - booktransitive:
Resolve dependencies by changing the ../ClientApp/build.gradle file. Use Gradle dependency management for it.
- Install & configure projects
- Run the command bellow, check results:
% gradle clean build run
> Task :run
| / /.
Action 1: I take from the 'Science Library' a book 'Programming in Scala Fifth Edition 5st edition.' by Martin Odersky (v2)
Action 2: I take from the 'Software Library' a book 'Programming in Scala Fifth Edition 5st edition.' by Martin Odersky (v2)
The application is over...
- Print dependencies tree, and explain it.
Change resolved Book dependencies for this task. The result should be:
% gradle clean build run
> Task :run
| / /.
Action 1: I take from the 'Science Library' a book 'Machine Learning Yearning'. by Andrew Ng. (v1)
Action 2: I take from the 'Software Library' a book 'Machine Learning Yearning'. by Andrew Ng. (v1)
The application is over...
Do it by changing the build.gradle file. Provide several way to do that:
- Declaring simple version declaration
- Declaring rich versions
- Exclude unnecessary dependency
- Use resolution strategy
- Use Locking dependency versions
Explain what each method does. Show pros/contra of each of them.
- Add code for failing on versions conflict.
- Add code for failing on specific Book version.
- Implement Book resolving in the case of the presence of an environment variable. Do it in the build.gradle
- Add slf4-logging to all sub-modules. Describe what dependencies in what module should be used.
- Find/use Gradle plugins for dependencies management ( e.g. here)
You should have:
- JVM version >= 9
- Scala version >= 13
- Gradle version >= 7 (The other version maybe working as well)
Download the project and perform 5 steps described bellow.
Step 1: Transitive library v1
Inside the $ROOT_PROJECT folder
cd BookTransitiveV1
gradle clean build publishToMavenLocal
Verification for the $HOME folder
% ls -l ~/.m2/repository/com/tfedorov/gradledependencies/booktransitive/0.1
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 2064 Aug 9 21:51 booktransitive-0.1.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 1915 Aug 9 21:51 booktransitive-0.1.module
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 774 Aug 9 21:51 booktransitive-0.1.pom
Step 2: Transitive library v2
Inside the $ROOT_PROJECT folder
cd BookTransitiveV2
gradle clean build publishToMavenLocal
Verification for the $HOME folder
% ls -l ~/.m2/repository/com/tfedorov/gradledependencies/booktransitive/0.2
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 2088 Aug 9 21:51 booktransitive-0.2.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 1915 Aug 9 21:51 booktransitive-0.2.module
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 774 Aug 9 21:51 booktransitive-0.2.pom
Step 3: Library 1
Inside the $ROOT_PROJECT folder
cd ScienceLibrary
gradle clean build publishToMavenLocal
Verification for the $HOME folder
% ls -l ~/.m2/repository/com/tfedorov/gradledependencies/sciencelibrary/0.1
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 2276 Aug 9 21:54 sciencelibrary-0.1.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 2125 Aug 9 21:54 sciencelibrary-0.1.module
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 1005 Aug 9 21:54 sciencelibrary-0.1.pom
Step 4: Library 2
Inside the $ROOT_PROJECT folder
cd SoftwareLibrar
gradle clean build publishToMavenLocal
Verification for the $HOME folder
% ls -l ~/.m2/repository/com/tfedorov/gradledependencies/softwarelibrary/0.1
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 2290 Aug 9 21:55 softwarelibrary-0.1.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 2130 Aug 9 21:55 softwarelibrary-0.1.module
-rw-r--r-- 1 tfedorov staff 1006 Aug 9 21:55 softwarelibrary-0.1.pom
Step 4: Client App
Inside the $ROOT_PROJECT folder
cd ClientApp
gradle clean build run
> Task :run
/ \ \.
| | |.
\_ | |.
| This is a tutorial application for the |.
| Gradle Dependencies managment. |.
| |.
| The App performs 2 actions: |.
| - take a 'Book' in a 'Science Library' |.
| - take a 'Book' in a 'Software Library' |.
| |.
| 'Science Library' and 'Software Library' |.
| are 2 modules each of them contains |.
| a 'Book' module as a dependency |.
| |.
| There are several versions of a 'Book': |.
| - booktransitive:0.1 |.
| - booktransitive:0.2 |.
| |.
| The Gradle defines version of the 'Book' |.
| |.
| ________________________________________|___
| / /.
Action 1: I take from the 'Science Library' a book 'Programming in Scala Fifth Edition 5st edition.' by Martin Odersky (v2)
Action 2: I take from the 'Software Library' a book 'Programming in Scala Fifth Edition 5st edition.' by Martin Odersky (v2)
The application is over...