released this
07 Jul 10:16
1561 commits
to development
since this release
0.12.0 (2020-07-07)
Bug Fixes
- Avoid many error messages for copybook downloading #384 (8f3ab6f)
- Avoid many error messages for copybook downloading #384 (2e7e394)
- Change log archive path pattern to relate on the user directory #307 (9c6c882)
- Create a .gitignore file if it doesn't exist #329 (40ca9f7)
- err-log #331 (d830593)
- Fix glob pattern for dynamic registration #355 (7117683)
- Fix issue related to copybook with extension that were not recognized as valid URI eclipse-che4zGH-355 (39169e2), closes #355
- Fix issue with indirect overwrite settings conf for dsn paths (1afe039)
- Fix representation of settings.json in Theia #393 (b4cd52b)
- Hide 'no errors found' message eclipse-che4zGH-312 (6f19c9b), closes #312
- refactor on review #331 (4e8e8af)
- Remove popup message, track event in log file #318 (ba33f88)
- unexpected Java 8 expected error message #333 (#396) (9c224a6)
- update activation event #331 (ac65f46)
- Use sync APIs to create folder and write on file to avoid unexpected behavior (17b8908)
- Adjust the info message about missing copybooks #391 (54a3386)
- Fetch copybooks without .dep files eclipse-che4zGH-327 (098f4bc), closes #327
- Inform user about wrong credentials and stop sending other MF requests (0dc0548), closes #237
- Introduce dynamic registration for watchers eclipse-che4zGH-355 (0358b95), closes #355
- Retrieve local copybooks if exists eclipse-che4zGH-327 (7d3a068), closes #327