Trivial Android player service that handles media buttons, that demonstrates a problem with media button handling under Android 8 "Oreo". It is based on the Gist by ianhanniballlake: It shows only text output when media buttons are pressed on any headset.
It works fine under Android versions 5.xx up to 7.xx, but fails under Android 8 "Oreo", even after playing a TTS sample from the button. It should bring media button focus to this app (there are people who listen to entire audio-books or long lists of articles with TTS, through Bluetooth and wired headsets), but it fails. The only known work-around is to use MediaPlayer to play a very short silent WAV file, only this brings media button focus to a TTS only app...
Tested on the final release of Oreo, build number OPR6.170623.013, Nexus 6P.