A password generator inspired by xkcd #936
If you don't specify the dictionary, the script will use the file dictionary.txt in the same directory of the script.
The following command returns 4 random words from the linux english dictionary
$ python3.6 generate.py dictionary=/usr/share/dict/british-english
threaded putsches absinth slenderness
If you want a specific number of words, use the parameter words
$ python3.6 generate.py words=2
flyleaves objections
If you want to import some other dictionaries in the default one, use the following command:
$ python3.6 generate.py import=/usr/share/dict/british-english
$ python3.6 generate.py
penury Taiyuan decrees deplaned
You can also remove the words that are difficult to digit.
An easy-to-digit word is a word conaining letters that you have to digit alternatively with one hand and the other.
Example: "panama" is a simple-digit word because you type the "p" with the right hand, the "a" with the left hand and so on: left-right-left-right...
$ python3.6 generate.py remove_from_dictionary=hard_to_digit
$ python3.6 generate.py
flair Shanghai Alan rusk