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Haojian Wu edited this page Jun 25, 2016 · 7 revisions



Returns a Boolean whether Steam APIs were successfully initialized or not.

Note: When testing this, you need to launch and log in the Steam Client, and put steam_appid.txt under your app directory.


  • appId Integer: The APP ID of your game

If your app was not launched via Steam, this will signal Steam to launch your app, and then cause your app to quit.

There's not a moment to lose after you call restartAppIfNecessary(), but if it returns true, your app is being restarted.


Returns an 'Object' represents extensive information of the current Steam user.

  • Result Object
    • accountId Integer: Steam account ID
    • staticAccountId Integer: Static steam ID
    • screenName String: Steam screen name
    • level Integer: Steam level
    • isValid Boolean: whether is a valid account
    • type Object: represents user account type
      • name String: User account type name
      • value Integer: User account type id
    • flags Object: represents describing types of user account information
      • anonymous Boolean: whether is an anonymous account
      • anonymousGameServer Boolean: whether is an anonymous game server account
      • anonymousGameServerLogin Boolean: whether is an anonymous game server account login request
      • anonymousUserBoolean: whether is an anonymous user account
      • chat Boolean: whether is a chat account
      • clan Boolean: whether is a clan account
      • consoleUser Boolean: whether is a console user(PSN) account
      • contentServer Boolean: whether is a content server account
      • gameServer Boolean: whether is a game server account
      • individual Boolean: whether is a individual account
      • gameServerPersistent Boolean: whether is a persistent game server account
      • lobby Boolean: whether is a lobby(chat) account

greenworks.activateAchievement(achievement, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • achievement String
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)

The achievement represents the unlocked achievement in your game.

greenworks.getAchievement(achievement, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • achievement String: The achievement name in you game
  • success_callback Function(is_achieved)
    • is_achieved Boolean: Whether the achievement is achieved.
  • error_callback Function(err)

Gets whether the achievement is achieved.

greenworks.clearAchievement(achievement, success_callback, [error_callback])

  • achievement String - The achievement needs to be cleared
  • success_callback Function()
  • error_callback Function(err)


Returns a Array represents all the achievements in the game.


Returns a Integer represents the number of all achievements in the game.


Returns a String represents the current language from Steam specifically set for the game.


Returns a String represents the current language from Steam set in UI.


Not implement yet.

greenworks.getNumberOfPlayers(success_callback, [error_callback])

  • success_callback Function(num_of_players)
    • num_of_players Integer: the current number of players on Steam.
  • error_callback Function(err)


  • option String: valid options are Friends, Community, Players, Settings, OfficialGameGroup, Stats and Achievements.

Activate the game overlay with the option dialog opens.


Return Boolean indicates whether Steam overlay is enabled/disabled.


Open a specified url in steam game overlay.


  • appId Integer: The APP ID of your game

Returns a Boolean indicates whether the user has purchased that app.