Retrieve statistics about your Volkswagen from the Volkswagen Carnet online service
No licence, public domain, no guarantees, feel free to use for anything. Please contribute improvements/bugfixes etc.
Python Client can be found here:
Homeassistant Platform can be found here:
[venv-python3] user@localhost:~
$ pip install volkswagencarnet
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import volkswagencarnet
vw = volkswagencarnet.Connection('username', 'password')
# login to carnet
if not vw.logged_in:
print('Could not login to carnet')
# get vehicles from carnet
# parse vehicles
vehicles = vw.vehicles
for vehicle in vehicles:
print('Vehicle VIN: %s' %
print('This vehicle supports:')
print(' Position: %s' % vehicle.position_supported)
print(' Climatisation: %s' % vehicle.climatisation_supported)
print(' Service Inspection: %s' % vehicle.service_inspection_supported)
print(' Battery Level: %s' % vehicle.battery_level_supported)
print(' Parking Light: %s' % vehicle.parking_light_supported)
print(' Distance: %s' % vehicle.distance_supported)
print(' Model: %s' % vehicle.model_supported)
print(' Model Year: %s' % vehicle.model_year_supported)
print(' Model Image: %s' % vehicle.model_image_supported)
print(' Charging: %s' % vehicle.charging_supported)
print(' External Power: %s' % vehicle.external_power_supported)
print(' Window Heater: %s' % vehicle.window_heater_supported)
print(' Charging time left: %s' % vehicle.charging_time_left_supported)
print(' Door Locked: %s' % vehicle.door_locked_supported)
print(' Electric Range: %s' % vehicle.electric_range_supported)
print('Vehicle information:')
print(' Distance: %s' % vehicle.distance)
print(' Last Connected: %s' % vehicle.last_connected)
print(' Next Service: %s' % vehicle.service_inspection)
print(' Charging Time Left: %s' % vehicle.charging_time_left)
print(' Electric Range: %s' % vehicle.electric_range)
print('Vehicle States:')
print(' Is Doors Locked: %s' % vehicle.is_doors_locked)
print(' Is Climatisation On: %s' % vehicle.is_climatisation_on)
print(' Is Parking Lights On: %s' % vehicle.is_parking_lights_on)
print(' Is Window Heater On: %s' % vehicle.is_window_heater_on)
print(' Is Charging On: %s' % vehicle.is_charging_on)
print(' Is Request in progress: %s' % vehicle.is_request_in_progress)
# and more
# action: start climatisation
vw.vehicle('my vehicle id').start_climatisation()
# action: stop climatisation
vw.vehicle('my vehicle id').stop_climatisation()