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Laravel Timezone

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This package detects and sets a user's timezone and provides some helpers to convert dates into a user's timezone.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require grantholle/laravel-timezone

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="timezone-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Note If you use multiple models that authenticate, you will want to add a column to each of them.

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="timezone-config"


The package will automatically set a timezone property to the user logging in to the app. If the overwite option is set in the timezone config, it will check each time the user logs in. Under the hood, this package relies on the stevebauman/location package to detect where the user is based on IP address and the appropriate timezone. Under its hood, it's relying on Laravel's request()->ip() function, which relies on Symfony's Request object to detect IP addresses. If you're experiencing issues of detecting the wrong timezones and therefore wrong IP address, it's likely due to trusted proxy configuration issues. Check out that documentation for more details.

You can change which events the timezone is set or opt out of this feature by changing the config's events option.

'events' => [
    // By default, the Login event
    // Another event which deals with a user

To ignore this feature, set events to be empty.

Aside from timezone detection, you can use several helpers around dates for the authenticated user.

Suggested configuration

The functions that return date objects return CarbonImmutable objects. To save yourself a lot of headaches, you should use them in your application, too.

In your AppServiceProvider's boot function,



Below is a set of examples using the facade and available helper functions.

use GrantHolle\Timezone\Facades\Timezone;

// Get the user's or app default timezone
$string = Timezone::getCurrentTimezone();
$string = timezone();

// Get a collection of timezones and a labeled version of them.
// The key is the timezone and the value is a formatted label.

// Convert a date to the user's timezone
// This will return a CarbonImmutable instance
$carbonImmutable = Timezone::toLocal($utcDate);

// Optionally you can pass in a format or use
// the toLocalFormatted function
$string = Timezone::toLocal($utcDate, 'Y-m-d');
$string = to_local_timezone($utcDate, 'Y-m-d');

// Leaving out the last parameter will use the config's `format` value
$string = Timezone::toLocalFormatted($utcDate);
$carbonImmutable = to_local_timezone($utcDate);

// Convert user's dates to your app's timezone.
// It relies on Carbon's `parse` function, so you
// can pass many things to it to parse.
$carbonImmutable = Timezone::fromLocal($usersDate);
$carbonImmutable = from_local_timezone($usersDate);

// Helpers to get the user's "today" and "now" values
$carbonImmutable = Timezone::today();
$carbonImmutable = local_today();
$carbonImmutable = Timezone::now();
$carbonImmutable = local_now();


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.