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Grails Geb Plugin

Maven Central Java CI

Geb Functional Testing for the Grails® framework.

This plugin provides the Geb dependencies and a create-functional-test command for generating Geb tests in a Grails app.

For further reference please see the Geb documentation.


If you are looking for examples on how to write Geb tests, check:

Geb/Grails example project or Grails functional test suite where Geb tests are used extensively.

Additional Drivers

Grails comes with a set of pre-installed browser drivers. To set up additional drivers you need to add the driver to your build.gradle for example:

integrationTestRuntimeOnly "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-edge-driver:$seleniumVersion"

You also need to add it to the GebConfig.groovy file in the src/integration-test/resources/ directory. For example:

    This is the Geb configuration file.


/* ... */
import org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver

environments {
    /* ... */
    edge {
        driver = { new EdgeDriver() }

Now you can run your tests with the new driver by specifying the Geb environment:

./gradlew integrationTest -Dgeb.env=edge