A JSON object containing the order information.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
order_id | str | The order's ID that is returned from GrabFood. Refer to FAQs for more details about orderID and shortOrderNumber. | |
short_order_number | str | The GrabFood short order number. This is unique for each merchant per day. Refer to FAQs for more details about orderID and shortOrderNumber. | |
merchant_id | str | The merchant's ID that is in GrabFood's database. | |
partner_merchant_id | str | The merchant's ID that is on the partner's database. | [optional] |
payment_type | str | The payment method used. Refer to FAQs for more details about paymentType. | |
cutlery | bool | The boolean value to indicate whether cutlery are needed or not. Refer to FAQs for more details about cutlery. | |
order_time | str | The UTC time that a consumer places the order, based on ISO_8601/RFC3339. | |
submit_time | datetime | The order submit time, based on ISO_8601/RFC3339. `null` in Submit Order payload. Only present in the List Orders response. | [optional] |
complete_time | datetime | The order complete time, based on ISO_8601/RFC3339. `null` in Submit Order payload. Only present in the List Orders response. | [optional] |
scheduled_time | str | The order scheduled time, based on ISO_8601/RFC3339. Empty for non-scheduled orders. | [optional] |
order_state | str | The state of the order. Empty in Submit Order payload. Only present in the List Orders response. Refer to Order States. | [optional] |
currency | Currency | ||
feature_flags | OrderFeatureFlags | ||
items | List[OrderItem] | The ordered items in an array of JSON Object. | |
campaigns | List[OrderCampaign] | The campaigns that are applicable for the order. `null` when there is no campaign applied. Only campaigns that are funded by merchants will be sent. | [optional] |
promos | List[OrderPromo] | An array of promotion objects. `null` when there is no promo code applied. Only promotions that are funded by merchants will be sent. | [optional] |
price | OrderPrice | ||
dine_in | DineIn | [optional] | |
receiver | Receiver | [optional] | |
order_ready_estimation | OrderReadyEstimation | [optional] | |
membership_id | str | Membership ID for loyalty project. Only present for loyalty program partners. Empty if not applicable. | [optional] |
from grabfood.models.submit_order_request import SubmitOrderRequest
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of SubmitOrderRequest from a JSON string
submit_order_request_instance = SubmitOrderRequest.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
submit_order_request_dict = submit_order_request_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of SubmitOrderRequest from a dict
submit_order_request_from_dict = SubmitOrderRequest.from_dict(submit_order_request_dict)