The featureFlag JSON object containing an order's feature related information.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
order_accepted_type | str | The acceptance type for the order. Refer to FAQs for more details about orderAcceptedType. | |
order_type | str | The type of order. | |
is_mex_edit_order | bool | A boolean value that indicates if the order is edited. | [optional] |
from grabfood.models.order_feature_flags import OrderFeatureFlags
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of OrderFeatureFlags from a JSON string
order_feature_flags_instance = OrderFeatureFlags.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
order_feature_flags_dict = order_feature_flags_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of OrderFeatureFlags from a dict
order_feature_flags_from_dict = OrderFeatureFlags.from_dict(order_feature_flags_dict)