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Scripts to run Github Actions runners inside of LXD


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This repository contains some scripts to create LXD instances suitable to be used as Github Actions runners as well as tools to spawn a set of such instances.

This will use LXD with a set of ephemeral instances which will then be added as Github Runners. Each of those will process exactly one job and then self-destroy. This is to avoid running jobs in unclean environments, preventing one job from impacting or attacking the next.

Installing LXD

sudo apt-get install lxd-client

lxd init
#you can use all the defaults

#Add new storge pool called docker (docker needs btrfs to work properly, so we named its storage pool docker)
#default size is 30GB. we increse it to 50GB for our need
lxc storage create docker btrfs size=50GB

Do Once :

Setup a PAT (Personal access token) with access to the repos and orgs you want serviced.

  • Enable the following scopes:
    • repo
    • workflow
    • admin:org
    • admin:repo_hook

Starting some runners

If you ar comfortable with sharing your PAT with your working server, do the following

Prepare the base-container :

Prepare the LXD container with all its depedencies (You might need to modify this to fit your needs)

./prepare-instance gh-runner

Spawn LXD github-runners :

./respawn gh-runner RUNNER_COUNT PAT label1,label2
  • gh-runner (or the name of your base container)
  • RUNNER_COUNT : (number of gh-runners that will run in parallel)
  • repository address
  • PAT (starting with ghg_...)
  • LABELS (optinal)

Create a cronjob that executes job above once per minute to respawn any number of missing runners :

crontab -e
* * * * * /path/to/lxd-runner/respawn gh-runner RUNNER_COUNT PAT 

If you need to secure your PAT, use the following solution:

! Fork the project, so github can run your workflows

1) Prepare the base-container :

Prepare the LXD container with all its depedencies (You might need to modify this to fit your needs)

./prepare-instance gh-runner-{repo-name}

2) Setup a scheduled workflow to update the registration-token of your runner regularly :

  • You need to configure your work-server so that it can be access via ssh by user and private key (without password)
  • Create the following 4 secrets in the forked github repo GH_PAT, GH_RUNNER_HOST, GH_RUNNER_USER, GH_RUNNER_PRV_KEY

The workflow I use to run my self-hosted runners can be found here You can simply modify the above workflow to fit your needs.

Here is a simplified example

name: Renew ephemeral self-hosted runner token
    - cron: '0/30 * * * *'  # "every 30 minutes
    name: renew reg token
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Convert PAT into registration-token
        id: get_token
        run: |          
          GH_RUNNER_TOKEN=$(curl \
          --location --request POST '{OWNER}/{REPO}/actions/runners/registration-token' \
          --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}' \
          | jq -r '.token')
          echo "::add-mask::$GH_RUNNER_TOKEN"
          echo "::set-output name=GH_RUNNER_TOKEN::$GH_RUNNER_TOKEN"

      - name: Execute remote ssh commands using user and private key
        uses: appleboy/[email protected]
          host: ${{ secrets.GH_RUNNER_HOST }}
          username: ${{ secrets.GH_RUNNER_USER }}
          key: ${{ secrets.GH_RUNNER_PRV_KEY }}
          script: ./git/lxd-github-actions/renew_runner_token {work-server-gh-runner-name}{OWNER}/{REPO} ${{ steps.get_token.outputs.GH_RUNNER_TOKEN }}

This workflows runs every 30 minutes and makes sure that the base-container always has a valid registration token by

  • converting your PAT into a registration-token for your self-hosted runner
  • ssh'ing into your workserver and update registration-token inside the base-container

The following repo secrets need to be defined for the workflow to run properly:

  • secrets.GH_PAT (your personal access token used to create a registration-token for your repo)
  • secrets.GH_RUNNER_HOST (work server ip address)
  • secrets.GH_RUNNER_USER (work-server user)
  • secrets.GH_RUNNER_PRV_KEY (private key to ssh into the workserver)

Additionally make sure to replace the following variables with the relevant content:

  • {OWNER} # your github user
  • {REPO} # your repo that requires the self-hosted runner
  • {work-server-gh-runner-name} # the gh-runner name you defined when running the prepare-instance script.

3) Create and renew self-hosted runners as soon as a workflow has finished

Run the respawn_runners script as a cronjob to make sure you always have available runners

$ crontab -e
## Add the following line as cronjob. Replace the path and RUNNER_COUNT (=parallel runners)
* * * * * /path/to/lxd-runner/respawn_runners gh-runner-{repo-name} RUNNER_COUNT

! Make sure to replace the following variables in the above cronjob:

gh-runner-{repo-name} # the name of your base-container used when running  ./prepare-instance
ORG (your github user)
REPO (your github repo that nees the self-hosted runner)


Scripts to run Github Actions runners inside of LXD







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