Ecto.ShortUUID is a custom Ecto.Type which allows for Ecto to automatically encode UUIDs to ShortUUIDs.
ShortUUID is binary-compatible with UUID, so it can be stored in a uuid
column in a database.
ShortUUIDs can be used alongside :binary_id
or as drop-in replacement for :binary_id
primary and foreign keys, basically anywhere Ecto.UUID can be used.
If you're already using :binary_id
) for primary keys it is possible to simply switch from :binary_id
to using Ecto.ShortUUID
and vice versa, neither the underlying data nor DB schema need to be changed.
For example, we can see that calls to Ecto.ShortUUID.dump/1
and Ecto.UUID.dump/1
will return the same binary in the following case:
# let's get the encoded value
iex> Ecto.ShortUUID.cast("2a162ee5-02f4-4701-9e87-72762cbce5e2")
{:ok, "9VprZJ9U7Tgg2PJ8BfTAek"}
# and show off that dump/1 works with both ShortUUIDs and UUIDs
iex> Ecto.ShortUUID.dump("9VprZJ9U7Tgg2PJ8BfTAek")
{:ok, <<42, 22, 46, 229, 2, 244, 71, 1, 158, 135, 114, 118, 44, 188, 229, 226>>}
# dump/1 continues to work with regular UUIDs
iex> Ecto.ShortUUID.dump("2a162ee5-02f4-4701-9e87-72762cbce5e2")
{:ok, <<42, 22, 46, 229, 2, 244, 71, 1, 158, 135, 114, 118, 44, 188, 229, 226>>}
iex> Ecto.UUID.dump("2a162ee5-02f4-4701-9e87-72762cbce5e2")
{:ok, <<42, 22, 46, 229, 2, 244, 71, 1, 158, 135, 114, 118, 44, 188, 229, 226>>}
# when a key is retrieved load/1 is called
# with the binary representation of the UUID 2a162ee5-02f4-4701-9e87-72762cbce5e2
iex> Ecto.ShortUUID.load(<<42, 22, 46, 229, 2, 244, 71, 1, 158, 135, 114, 118, 44, 188, 229, 226>>)
{:ok, "9VprZJ9U7Tgg2PJ8BfTAek"}
# the same binary key continues to work with Ecto.UUID
iex> Ecto.UUID.load(<<42, 22, 46, 229, 2, 244, 71, 1, 158, 135, 114, 118, 44, 188, 229, 226>>)
{:ok, "2a162ee5-02f4-4701-9e87-72762cbce5e2"}
We can see that Ecto.ShortUUID.dump/1
is backwards compatible and still accepts regular UUIDs
and the value stored in the DB is exactly the same as when using the regular :binary_id
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ecto_shortuuid
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ecto_shortuuid, "~> 0.3.0"}
You can check out the example project ecto_shortuuid_example with defined config, schemas and seeds to quickly try out ecto_shortuuid
for yourself.
Using Ecto.ShortUUID is similar to using Ecto.UUID.
You can use the ShortUUID for a regular field
defmodule Post do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "posts" do
field :test, Ecto.ShortUUID
To use ShortUUIDs as primary keys we define the @primary_key attribute like this:
defmodule MyApp.User do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key {:id, Ecto.ShortUUID, autogenerate: true}
schema "users" do
field :name, :string
field :age, :integer, default: 0
has_many :posts, Post
To avoid having to define the primary key type in every schema in case you're using binary ids throughout you can make ShortUUIDs the default by defining the following in the underlying schema module.
# Define a module to be used as base
defmodule MyApp.Schema do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
use Ecto.Schema
@primary_key {:id, Ecto.ShortUUID, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type Ecto.ShortUUID
# Now use MyApp.Schema to define new schemas
defmodule MyApp.User do
use MyApp.Schema
schema "users" do
field :name, :string
field :age, :integer, default: 0
has_many :posts, Post
This exactly the same as when using :binary_id
as defined in the Ecto docs - Schema attributes.
The key has to be also defined as :uuid in the migration
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateUser do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:users, primary_key: false) do
add :id, :uuid, primary_key: true
add :name, :string
add :age, :integer
add :company_id, references(:companies, type: :uuid)
Alternatively if starting from scratch you can configure the default migration primary key type as:
config :app, MyApp.Repo,
migration_primary_key: [name: :id, type: :binary_id]
Read more about config options in the Ecto docs - Repo Configuration.
Additional documentation can be found at