ExTier is an elixir client for Tier.run, documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/ex_tier.
The package can be installed by adding ex_tier
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_tier, "~> 0.11"}
ExTier follows Tier's major and minor versions, but reserves minor versions for ExTier's patch updates. So Tier's v0.6
version will map to ExTier 0.6.x
You need to specify where the Tier server is reachable at:
config :ex_tier, url: "http://localhost:8080"
You can use tier cloud by using the following configuration:
config :ex_tier,
url: "https://api.tier.run",
stripe_api_key: "your-stripe-api-key"
To use test clocks, pass the clock_id in the configuration:
config :ex_tier, clock_id: "clock_1xTl3FbwSFVVY4blLTlXv2CY"
ExTier depends on Tesla to perform HTTP requests. You are required to specify which Tesla adapter you want to use.
config :ex_tier, adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Httpc,
You can also configure an adapter's options via:
config :ex_tier, adapter: {Tesla.Adapter.Finch, name: ExTier}
ExTier | Tier | Erlang/OTP | Elixir |
>= 0.0.0 |
>= 0.0.0 |
>= 23.0.0 |
>= 1.14.0 |
ExTier is released under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file.