Features updates
- Image quality related features
- Multi-channel gain map
- Optimized tone mapping algorighm
- Full range color
- Reading additional quality related parameters from users' input
- gain map scaling factor
- gain map compression quality
- gamma
- Updates in command line tool (sample encoding / decoding app)
- Support more input types
- More subsampling formats for YUV (444, 422)
- RGB (RGBA8888, RGBA1010102)
- Support benchmarking encoding / decoding performance
- Support more input types
- Editing support
- ISO21496-1 standard
Structural updates
- All-in-one-place .h file: ultrahdr_api.h outside the source structure that can be used as the only dependency for c / cpp apps
- neon for editing functions and YUV conversion
- OpenGL for editing and decoding
- Increased testing coverage
Bug fixings