Collection of still PNG and animated GIF images gathered on the Internet and from other sources.
Each image belongs to at least one of these categories as described in the images.csv table:
- Translucent
- Animated
- Camera-captured
- Scan
- Synthetic
- Up-to-128x128px
- Screen-captured
- Medical
- Gaming
- Emoji
- High-bit-depth (more than 8 bits per pixel per channel when uncompressed)
The images can be listed by category using the grid viewer.
Medical imaging resources were converted to PNG using Python and the nibabel
and cv2
image = cv2.resize(nibabel.load().get_fdata()[shape0,shape1,shape2], (dimension0, dimension1))
cv2.imwrite(png_path, image / (image.max() / 255))
All PNG files were stripped of any metadata using the optipng
command line tool:
optipng -clobber -strip all
Each image has its own license, copyright and credits as described in the images.csv table.
The image list itself is licensed under the Creative Commons license Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
See the LICENSE file.