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Project ‐ Outline

Lilith edited this page May 21, 2024 · 1 revision

Project Outline


  • The game consists of a linear map of checkpoints the player must capture to complete the level/game. During the game the player will have 5 minutes to capture the nearest point
  • Timer - (5 minute length placeholder) - If the 5 minutes run out before the player captures the point, the enemies will have 5 minutes to take the players point (enemies will advance towards the players point)
  • Points - captured by being the only team at the point location for 10 seconds
  • Enemies - As the player captures more points, harder enemies will appear
  • If the player is pushed back, the harder enemies will not stop spawning


  • Health, Ammo, Inv - left side health bar, ammo count under health, right side quick inventory (medkit, etc)
  • Marker - checkpoint direction
  • Checkpoint Bar - (colored checkpoints = captured, greyscale = to be captured)
  • Timer - shows time left and current goal (ie: attack/defend)


  • Movement - Running, jumping, firing, knockout, low health, oneshot - will have sound effects
  • Markers - Hit markers and knockout - effects


  • Artillery - (pulls up a map that lets you click a location to send a large amount of damage to after delay)
  • Advanced enemy AI - (Enemies basic implementation is just stand around predetermined points, and run towards capture points. New Ai would cause some to shoot from afar, stay together in “squads”, and flank)
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