A Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) analysis workflow
Follow above link to install and set up all related tools.
nohup bash $WES/alignment.sh ../genome mm10 fastq-2 align_mouse 5 &> align_mouse.out
nohup bash $WES/alignment.sh ../genome mm10 fastq-2 align_mouse 5 &> align_mouse.out
nohup Rscript $WES/xenofilter.R "align_human" "*.hg38" "align_mouse" "*.mm10" 30 &> xenofilter.out &
mv Filtered_bams/XenofilteR.log xenofilter.log
mkdir align_xenofilter
for f in Filtered_bams/*;
do b=`basename $f`; o=${b/_Filtered.bam/.xenofilter.bam};
mv -v $f align_xenofilter/$o;
rm -rv Filtered_bams/
nohup bash $WES/run_pipeline.sh ../genome hg38 bam "*" > run_pipeline.out
This pipeline developed by Sonakshi Bhalla ([email protected]) and Abolfazl Arab ([email protected]) at Goodarzi Lab, UCSF – 2021-2022.