API development to use it as a shop service.
- Node.js with Express
- Prisma ORM
- PostgreSQL
- Docker Requirements
Shop-API requires the following to run (I recommend it to run on Linux or WSL2):
- Node.js v16.14.2 or above, also to install it on WSL
- npm (normally comes with Node.js)
- Docker and Docker compose
- npx
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/gojideth/Shopify-API
Go to the project directory
cd Shopify-API
Install dependencies
npm install
Start docker process
sudo dockerd
Launch the PostgreSQL database server with the following command
sudo docker compose up -d
Link env variable to Prisma
npx prisma generate
Generate database (only if it is the first time executing the project)
npx prisma migrate dev --name "init"
Once the PostgreSQL database is running go ahead and start the server
npm run start
Generate database
npx prisma migrate dev --name "init"