Work on state-of-the-art Deep Learning neural networks to help to improve the performance of an object detection model based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The model is used to automatically inspect electronic components on circuit boards.
- Learning about the theory of CNNs for object detection
- Data collection & extension of an existing data set with a semi-automatic labelling tool
- Training of a CNN model with the extended data
- Evaluation of model performance (Accuracy, Precision, Recall etc. ) and comparing it to previous models
- Development of an additional classification module to analyse the connectivity of the electric components.
- Google Chrome
- Editor (VS Code)
- Git:
sudo apt install git-all
- Python
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-is-python3
- install the dependencies from pyenv - Suggested build environment
- install pyenv using pyenv installer
- don't forget to setup '.profile' and '.bashrc' as mentioned in the terminal after install
- check correct install:
pyenv virtualenv --version
- For Windows how to activate the env
- Installation of virtualenv ^^
- look at available python versions:
pyenv install --list
- install latest python 3.8: e.g.
pyenv install 3.8.11
- follow the steps in Installing Multiple CUDA & cuDNN Versions in Ubuntu
- do Step 3, 4 for the CUDA version shown in
and CUDA 11.1 - in Step 3 don't forget tor replace last command with the one for the target version
- for Step 4, you will need to create an Nvidia developer account, or use the file in 'resources'
- Python Environment
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.11 aoi_demo
- create a file '.python-version' in the project folder with the content 'aoi_demo'
- activate the environment:
pyenv activate aoi_demo
(or open a terminal in project folder after creating '.python-version') - run
pip install -r requirements.txt
inside the 'aoi-demo-model-dev' folder
- Iriun (or similar app)
- install the ubuntu client from Iriun
- install the app on phone
- Docker
- CVAT installation guide
- skip docker, docker-compose, git as it is already installed
- An Effective Python Environment: Making Yourself at Home
- How to Use Jupyter Notebook in 2020: A Beginner’s Tutorial
- Coursera, Andrew Ng, Deep Learning Specialization
- in particular relevant: Coursera, Andrew Ng, Convolutional Neural Networks
- Detectron2 Beginner's Tutorial
- Digging into Detectron 2
- come up with a breadboard circuit
- take several images of the board using the Setup with Iriun, store them in one folder
- follow the instructions in the Readme inside 'aoi-demo-labeling' to create annotations for the board. In cvat folder:
- start: docker-compose up -d
- stop: docker-compose down
- interface: http://localhost:8080/
- check running container: docker container ls
- repeat step 1-3 several times
the code for model development is in 'aoi-demo-model-dev'
- use the script '' or the notebook 'Defect Detection.ipynb' to train the model
- use the notebook 'Defect Detection Inference.ipynb' to test the model
- feel free to change anything inside the script or notebooks to add further analyses or training features