Easy vagrant. Configure box in gobox.yaml. Vhosts will be created and hosts file will be updated automagically.
From your project folder, run:
git submodule add -b xenial64lamp7 [email protected]:gobrave/gobox.git .vagrant/gobox && make -C .vagrant/gobox
A Vagrantfile and a sample gobox.yaml will be created.
= Base name of project folder.
machine: # all or some can be omitted
box: gobrave/xenial64lamp7 # default, can be omitted
memory: 1024 # default, can be omitted
ip: # can be omitted, defaults to 192.168.200.{hashed projectName}
hostname: MYBOX # can be omitted, defaults to project directory name
folders: # object of target => source, defaults to /home/vagrant/{projectName} => ./
/home/vagrant/foo: foo
/home/vagrant/bar: bar
sites: # object of target => alias/-es, defaults to /home/vagrant/{projectName} => {projectName}
- foo.local
- www.foo.local
/home/vagrant/bar: api.foo.local
databases: # str/array, can be omitted, defaults to one database named {projectName}
- foo
provisioners: # Inline provision commands. all or some can be omitted
always: # array, will run every 'up' as user
- "do stuff"
always_root: # array, will run every 'up' as root
- "do stuff"
provision: # array, will run on first 'up' or explicit provision as user
- "do stuff"
provision_root: # array, will run on first 'up' or explicit provision as root
- "do stuff"
Custom(project specific) provision bash scripts can be found in .vagrant/provisioners