wxwidgets is now the default plplot plotting backend
Dear Packagers, please ensure the required plplot driver is included in the dependencies -
cleanups, speed and compatibility improvements, new test routines, new GDL routines, 700+ commits in total since the last release
Dear Packagers, note the CMake testsuite target changed from "make check" to "make test", please ensure 100% tests pass -
new resource files (including GDL icon)
Dear Packagers, please also consult the README file in gdl/resource/maps -
Delaunay triangulation support
Dear Packagers, note that GDL ships with modified source of delaunator-cpp (as well as modified ANTLR and dSFMT header files) -
new GDL website:
Dear Packagers, please include in package metadata a link to https://gnudatalanguage.github.io/ -
game-changing improvements in widgets and plotting (kudos Gilles Duvert)
switch from Travis & Appveyor to Github Actions, weakly binary releases including Windows installer (kudos Jeongbin Park)
improvements in implied print, FILE_SEARCH/FINDFILE, PostScript output, interpolation and *_LUN routines (kudos Gilles)
HDF5 improvements (kudos Oliver Gressel)
TRIANGULATE improvements (kudos Gilles and brandy125)
IBETA, TIMESTAMP and related time-handling improvements (kudos Eloi Rozier de Linage and Thibault Huillet)
numerous Windows compatibility issues fixed (kudos Greg Jung, Eloi Rozier de Linage et al)
numerous fixes and IDL-compatibility improvements (kudos Alain Coulais et al)
CMake: requiring 3.2, removed local FindNumpy, cleanups
stopped supporting grib_api in favor of eccodes