- [Learning to Communicate with AI: Prompt Engineering, Course: CMS376] (https://github.com/gmossy/communicating-via-ai)
- [Smart Wearables]
- [3D Printing]
- [Robotics]FCC Makerbot
- [Build a Microcontroller]
- [Arduino I]
- [Arduino II]
- [Arduino Motor Control]
- My Inmoov Robot
- Inmoov Robot
- Spot Micro Dog
- Smart Wearables
- Unity Game Development
- Capstone - Udacity ML - Human Activity Recognition
- Flower Image Image classification using Pytorch models, May 2019
- [IASTED ROBOTICS and AUTOMATION 1984](Platform Control System PCS Design for an Autonomous Robot)
- [The Tech Talk](Mossy, Zerkus present papers)
- FCCRobot