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The web interface

leohuet edited this page May 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

Launch the web interface

In order to launch the web interface, you simply have to click on the "Launch script" button. When you do this for the first time, it will first install the npm librairies needed for the server to work properly. To check if everything is alright, you can go to the console tab of the node.script debug tool. A message "Listening on8000" will appear, as well as "x users connected" when a user connects.


How to get access to it ?

Once launched, the website is accessible to any user in your local network (sharing the same wifi as your computer). They just have to open a web browser, go to the address bar and type IPaddress:8000, replacing IPaddress with that of the computer you are hosting the server on. For instance, the full address could be

To know what is the IP address of the computer, you can simply look at the Audio settings panel.


Once on the interface, you can select the listening post you are on. If you are using the interface on a computer, you can go to IPaddress:8000/computer.

How to change the content of the web interface (the number of users, the name of the cells in the menu) ?

The number of users showed on the web interface is automatically linked to the number of users you set in the Max patch. For the name of the cells, it is set to the name of the files. If you want to change them, just deactivate the website, change the filename, reactivate, and you're good to go.