This is a suite of simple tools to help the user to Handle Darshan Data without being familiar exactly with specific commands.
- Connect to the system with
ssh -Y
Edit the script and declare for the variable darshan_path the path where the logs are saved
To load Darshan data for your last experiment on the same day, execute
- To load darshan data from specific job, execute
./ job_id
The PDF file will be created in the folder
experiments/year/month/executable/ (v0.2)
experiments/executable/year/month/ (development)
Available with release v0.3 and afterwards
Dependency on PDFjam software
Use the executable in the bin folder. We do not support this software
Edit the script and declare for the variable darshan_path the path where the logs are saved
To compare the Darshan data of two jobs with job_id1 and job_id2, execute
./ job_id1 job_id2
Example of one single PDF:
{% for relea in site.github.releases %}
Version: {{ relea.tag_name }}
Date: {{ relea.published_at }}
{{ relea.body }}
[Download]({{ relea.tarball_url }})
{% endfor %}
The scripts were tested with CRAY-XC40 ShaheenII and Darshan v2.3.1
- Automatic organization into folders (v0.2 and afterwards)
- Adapt with newer Darshan version