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Keyboard Shortcuts

Kelvin Quee edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 2 revisions

Extra Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcuts are not available from the menu:

Action Shortcut
Move focus right / deeper (sidebar > note list > note) enter
Move focus left / higher (note > note list > sidebar) command + enter
Move cursor into search bar and clear edit / search field escape
Next Note command + J
Previous Note command + K

Menu Keyboard Shortcuts

The below shortcuts can be found in the menu and can be remapped like this.


Action Shortcut
Preferences command + ,
Lock All Encrypted shift + command + L
Empty Trash shift + command + delete
Hide FSNotes command + H
Hide Others option + command + H
Quit FSNotes command + Q


Action Shortcut
Close command + W
Import shift + command + O
New command + N
New RTF shift + command + N
Search and Create command + L
Duplicate command + D
Rename command + R
Delete command + delete
Pin/unpin command + 8
Remove encryption command + 7
Lock/unlock option + command + L
Open external control + command + E
Reveal in Finder shift + command + R
Tags command + T
Move shift + command + T
Copy title control + option + command + C
Print command + P


Action Shortcut
New folder option + shift + N
Rename folder option + shift + R
Reveal folder option + shift + command + R
Delete folder option + shift + delete
View settings shift + command + ,


Action Shortcut
Undo command + Z
Redo shift + command + Z
Cut command + X
Copy (full row when nothing highlighted) command + C
Paste command + V
Paste and Match Style option + shift + command + V
Select All command + A
Find command + F
Find and Replace option + command + F
Find Next command + G
Find Previous shift + command + G
Use Selection for Find command + E
Jump to Selection option + command + J
Show Spelling and Grammar command + :
Check Document Now command + ;
Start Dictation Fn Fn
Emoji & Symbols control + command + Space
Open link under cursor command + O


Action Shortcut
Bold command + B
Italic command + I
Strikethrough command + Y
Underline command + U
Header 1 command + 1
Header 2 command + 2
Header 3 command + 3
Header 4 command + 4
Header 5 command + 5
Header 6 command + 6
Link option + command + I
Image shift + command + I
Code Block control + command + C
Shift Left command + [
Shift Right command + ]
Toggle Todo command + 0


Action Shortcut
Toggle preview command + '
Hide/show note list shift + command + B
Hide/show sidebar control + shift + command + B
Enter Full Screen control + command + F


Action Shortcut
Minimize command + M
Main window command + \