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jbevain edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 13 revisions

We're happy to notice that the following projects and products are using Mono.Cecil. Please contact us to improve or correct this list.

Open Source


  • vbnc: Mono's Visual Basic compiler.
  • brainfucker: A brainfuck compiler for the CLI.
  • JaCIL: A CLI to JVM Compiler.
  • Ja.NET: A JVM to CLI Compiler.
  • JSIL: A IL to JavaScript compiler.
  • Lexa-JSM: A C# to JavaScript converter.


  • ILSpy: ILSpy is a Cecil based decompiler from the SharpDevelop team
  • Cecil.Decompiler: Cecil.Decompiler is a library to decompile from CIL to C# or other languages based on Cecil.
  • Cecil Studio: Cecil Studio is an interface over Cecil and Cecil.Decompiler.

Development Environment

  • SharpDevelop: #develop (short for SharpDevelop) is a free IDE for C#, VB.NET and Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform.
  • MonoDevelop: MonoDevelop is a free GNOME IDE primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages.
  • MonoUML: CIL Reverse Engineering plugin.
  • Reflexil: A plugin for Reflector that allows you to modify your assemblies.
  • LINQPad: A tool which lets you interactively query SQL databases with LINQ.
  • NDasm: Visual Studio add-in that displays the IL of .net methods.

Code Quality & Metrics


  • monodoc: Monodoc is a set of libraries and applications for viewing and editing Mono class library documentation.
  • ImmDoc .Net: ImmDoc .NET is a command-line utility for generating HTML documentation from a set of .NET assemblies and XML files created by the compiler.


  • MbUnit v3 / Gallio: The Gallio Automation Platform is an open, extensible, and neutral system for .NET that provides a common object model, runtime services and tools (such as test runners) that may be leveraged by any number of test frameworks.
  • MoMA: The Mono Migration Analyzer (MoMA) tool helps you identify issues you may have when porting your .Net application to Mono.
  • OpenCover: An open source code coverage tool.
  • NinjaTurtles: .NET/Mono mutation testing.

Aspect Weavers

  • SheepAOP: SheepAOP is yet another AOP tool for the .NET environment, inspired by AspectJ.
  • AspectDNG: AspectDNG is a static .NET aspect weaver.
  • LinFu: A framework that adds mixins, inversion of control, DbC, and other language features to the Common Language Runtime.
  • SetPoint: SetPoint is yet another AOP engine.
  • Compose*: ComposeStar is a project that aims at enhancing the power of component- and object-based programming.
  • PostCrap: PostCrap is a flyweight attribute based aspect injection .NET post compiler.
  • NSurgeon: A static aspect weaver.

Assembly Manipulation

  • Mono Linker: The linker is a tool one can use to only ship the minimal possible set of functions that a set of programs might require to run as opposed to the full libraries.
  • Mono Merge: A tool to create one assembly from a set of assemblies.
  • mono-cil-strip: A tool to remove the bytecode of assemblies after they have been AOTed to reduce the binary side.
  • ExePack: Exepack.NET is executable file compressor for .NET Framework.
  • IL-Repack: IL-Repack is an ILMerge clone.
  • CInject: Allows code injection into any managed assembly without disassembling and recompiling it. Ships with dynamic Logging, Performance and Runtime Intelligence injectors and includes Quick Guide & Samples
  • Fody: Fody provides the plumbing to write assemblies manipulation as part of the Visual Studio build.

Databases related

  • db4o: A native persistence solution for .net and Mono.
  • Euss: Evaluant Universal Storage Services (EUSS) is an extensible programming model and runtime components for building data aware solutions on the .Net platform.


  • Obfuscar: Obfuscar is a basic obfuscator for .NET assemblies.
  • SharpObfuscator: It is a Software Protection tool, designed to help .NET developers efficiently protect their software.
  • Confuser: Confuser is a obfuscator for .NET.


  • de4dot: Supports many .NET obfuscators, control flow deobfuscation, string decryption, etc.


  • mdb/sdb: Mono Managed Debugger.
  • WSPBuilder: A SharePoint Solution Package (WSP) creation tool for WSS 3.0 & MOSS 2007
  • XAML Power Toys: XAML Power Toys is a Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Add-In or a Visual Studio 2010 Add-In that empowers WPF & Silverlight developers while working in the XAML editor.
  • PowerShell Community Extensions: PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) is aimed at providing a widely useful set of additional cmdlets, providers, aliases, filters, functions and scripts for Windows PowerShell that members of the community have expressed interest in.
  • Community Kit for SharePoint: The Community Kit for SharePoint is a set of best practices, templates, Web Parts, tools, and source code that enables practically anyone to create a community website based on SharePoint technology for practically any group of people with a common interest.

Closed Source


Code Quality & Metrics, Code Browsers



  • NHProf: A profiler for NHibernate.
  • L2SProf: A profiler for Linq to Sql.
  • EFProf: A profiler for Entity Framework.
  • EQATEC Profiler: Free code profiler for both full .NET and .NET CF applications.
  • .NET Perf: Free code profiler.

Object Relational Mappers

  • Telerik OpenAccess: Telerik OpenAccess is an Enterprise-grade .Net ORM that does the data access plumbing in desktop and web applications.

Knowledge-Based Engineering

  • Pacelab Suite: Knowledge-based engineering platform for multidisciplinary product modeling, design analysis, verification and optimization


Assembly manipulation

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