- fontforge.exe (font editing suite)
- ttx.exe (font to/fro XML converter)
- powerline-fontpatcher script
Copy lucon.ttf from /c/windows/fonts to another dir
Run powerline-fontpatcher to patch with powerline symbols:
c:/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/FontForgeBuilds/bin/fontforge.exe -script ./powerline-fontpatcher lucon.ttf
Resulting font will not be usable in gvim yet, since it's not marked as fixed pitch.
Convert the patched font to XML:
ttx.exe Lucida\ Console\ for\ Powerline.ttf
Lucida Console for Powerline.ttx
and setisFixedPitch
to 1:<isFixedPitch value="1"/>
Convert XML back to ttf:
rm Lucida\ Console\ for\ Powerline.ttf ttx.exe Lucida\ Console\ for\ Powerline.ttx
Patched font is ready, drag-n-drop to c:/windows/fonts to install