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Java Library for speaking with ANT / ANT+ devices through a USB dongle.

I set up this project trying to talk to my personal ANT+ devices. Goal is to implement needed ant messages and ANT+ datapages in order to talk to following set of devices:

  • Heart rate monitor:
    • Basic support. Tested with Garmin HRM3SS. Check out HrmTest_Main under src/test
    • No support for legacy format (yet, because I don't own a legacy device). If you need it, check out HrmChannel to sniff the datapage 1st bit alternating every 4 packages.
  • Speed sensor
    • Basic support. Tested with Garmin Speed Sensor.
    • The sensor only measures the number of wheel revolutions, the actual speed has to be calculated by a consumer of this library in conjunction with the wheel's diameter. Check out SpeedTest_Main under src/test
  • Cadence sensor
    • Basic support. Tested with Garmin Cadence Sensor.
    • The sensor only measures the number of crank revolutions, the actual cadence has to be calculated by a consumer of this library from two different measurements. Check out CadenceTest_Main under src/test
  • Combined speed and cadence sensor
    • Basic support. Not tested with a physical device yet. Check out SpeedAndCadenceTest_Main under src/test
  • Power meter
    • Basic support. Tested with Garmin Vector 3. Check out PowerTest_Main under src/test
    • Not all data pages implemented, yet.
  • Ant FE-C trainer
    • Basic support. Tested with Elite Suito and Tacx. Check out FecTest_Main under src/test
    • Not all data pages implemented, yet.
    • TODO: Send command to adjust resistance

Current status:

Codebase still unstable but foundation is shaping up. Expect a few heavy refactors until things stabilize. Check out the Hrm/SpeedTest/Cadence/Fec examples to get started. Many thanks to for help with implementing most of the devices.

Then you can add a maven dependency to be.glever:j-antplus:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT in order to use it.

Compatibility notes


This project uses usb4java-javax, which underneath uses libusb. There seems to be a mismatch between the default windows10 WHQL driver (libusb, provided by dynastream) and libusb. I resolved this by using the "Zadig" tool, select the ant-m usb stick (you may need to go to "Options" -> "list all devices") and downgrade the driver to (which is actually the latest libusb driver I could find on the net).


Tested on Ubuntu: you need to give access to the usb interface for current user. I followed this approach (which may give too wide permissions to your taste):

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/00-usb-permissions.rules
udevadm control --reload-rules

update: on manjaro, above didn't work (permission denied on the file), but this works

echo 'ATTRS{idVendor}=="fcf", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1009", MODE="0666"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-my-user-permissions.rules
udevadm control --reload-rules

After this, unplug and re-plug the dongle.


Library for speaking to select ant+ devices







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