Ariadne-Relay provides a toolset for implementing GraphQL servers in Python that conform to the Relay specification, using the Ariadne library.
The goals of Ariadne-Relay are to:
- Make building Relay features feel as close as possible to core Ariadne
- Minimize boilerplate for common cases
- Make it as easy as possible to fully customize and optimize a Relay deployment
Ariadne-Relay can be installed with pip:
pip install ariadne-relay
If you are not familiar with Ariadne usage in general, the Araidne docs are the best place to start.
Here's a variation of the Ariadne quickstart as a Relay implementation:
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ariadne import gql, InterfaceType, make_executable_schema
from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
from ariadne_relay import NodeObjectType, RelayQueryType, resolve_node_query
# Using a dataclass for Person rather than a dict,
# since it works better with a Node implementation
class Person:
id: int
firstName: str
lastName: str
age: int
type_defs = gql(
type Query {
node(id: ID!): Node
after: String
before: String
first: Int
last: Int
): PeopleConnection!
interface Node {
id: ID!
type PageInfo {
hasNextPage: Boolean!
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
startCursor: String
endCursor: String
type Person implements Node {
id: ID!
firstName: String
lastName: String
age: Int
fullName: String
type PersonEdge {
cursor: String!
node: Person
type PeopleConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [PersonEdge]!
# A mock data store of people
people_data = {
"1": Person(id=1, firstName="John", lastName="Doe", age=21),
"2": Person(id=2, firstName="Bob", lastName="Boberson", age=24),
# Instead of using Ariadne's QueryType, use the Relay-enabled
# RelayQueryType class
query = RelayQueryType()
# resolve_node_query is provided as a resolver for Query.node()
query.set_field("node", resolve_node_query)
# Connection resolvers work exactly like standard Ariadne resolvers,
# except they convert the returned value to a connection structure
def resolve_people(*_):
return list(people_data.values())
# Define the Node interface
node = InterfaceType("Node")
# Add a Node type resolver
def resolve_node_type(obj, *_):
return obj.__class__.__name__
# Instead of Ariadne's ObjectType, use the Relay-enabled
# NodeObjectType class for types that implement Node
person = NodeObjectType("Person")
# Add an instance_resolver to define how an instance of
# this type is retrieved, given an id
def resolve_person_instance(id, *_):
return people_data.get(id)
def resolve_person_fullname(person, *_):
return "%s %s" % (person.firstName, person.lastName)
# Create executable GraphQL schema
schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, node, query, person)
# Create an ASGI app using the schema, running in debug mode
app = GraphQL(schema, debug=True)
The heavy lifting of generating a connection structure in a RelayObjectType.connection()
is performed by the chosen factory. It is possible to specify a factory of your chosing
by passing it in the call to connection()
@query.connection("people", factory=CustomConnection)
The default that is used when factory
is not overridden is ReferenceConnection
. This
implementation wraps graphql_relay.connection_from_array_slice()
and provides the expected
behavior of the Relay reference implementation.
The SnakeCaseConnection
factory provides equivalent functionality to ReferenceConnection
but returns a connection structure with snake-case field names. This is useful in conjunction
with ariadne.snake_case_fallback_resolvers
The ConnectionProxy
factory can be used to proxy an already-formed connection structure,
for example a payload that was produced by an external GraphQL endpoint. It simply passes through
the data untouched.
Many deployments will benefit from customizing the connection factory. One example would be
properly integrating a given ORM like Django. Other examples might be extending the functionality
of connections, or customizing how cursors are formed. The BaseConnection
and SnakeCaseBaseConnection
classes can be useful for this purpose.
Please see