Releases: glatigny/guipro
Releases · glatigny/guipro
PortAL 1.5.3 - HulK 0.9.9
PortAL - 1.5.3
Portable Application Launcher
- (IconManager) make the icon loader in thread working
- bug (Menu) the dynamic menu lost the referenced item
- improvement (env) migrate to VS2017 (before VS2022)
Setup (x64 & x86) and Portable (x64) versions available.
HulK - 0.9.9
HotKey UnLimited
- New configuration structure.
- Usage of XML config file (thanks to pugixml).
- Remove sound in the notification baloon.
- Adding configuration page.
Setup (x64 & x86) and Portable (x64) versions available.
PortAL 1.5.2
PortAL 1.5.0
Portable Application Launcher
- Addition of a skin system.
- Addition of the event attribute.
- Addition of the variables section to define internal variables.
- Addition of the clipboard variables.
- Addition of the %config% variable.
- Improvement of the file notification system.
- Fix memory leak when reloading the configuration.
- Avoid error when a percent character is not forming a variable.
- Avoir error when loading a config file with an empty group.
PortAL 1.4.7 - HulK 0.9.5 - VulCan 0.9.2
PortAL - 1.4.7
Portable Application Launcher
- Stop quitting when there is an hotkey conflict.
- Removing some alert boxes to use tray balloons instead.
- Do not open the website with generic balloons, only with the about one.
- Updating website url
- Using the latest pugixml library
HulK - 0.9.5
HotKey UnLimited
- Updating website url
VulCan - 0.9.2
Volume Changer
- Adding configuration
- Adding keyboard hook for overloading hotkeys
- Adding mouse hook for mouse events
- Updating tray functions
- Migrate the volume function into a specific file