Before attempting to reproduce the results, we suggest that you use a machine with the following minimal setup:
- RAM 16 GB
- Cores 8
The easiest way to reproduce the dataset used in this paper is to use the provided Vagrantfile. This builds a virtual machine and installs all required dependencies. To obtain a copy of the data using the recommended method do the following:
- Make sure you have vagrant and some virtualization software (Oracule Virtual Box recommended) installed
- Clone this repository
- From within the repository run vagrant up
- Log into the virtual machine using
vagrant ssh
- Navigate to the shared directory
cd /vagrant/
From there you can use make
-> To build all dependencies and reproduce the paper, or you can run any of the following commands to carry out individual build steps:
make stage1-mpd-ietf
-> To build the different video encodings required to carry out the simulationsmake stage2-logs
-> To produce the data used in this paper Note: This will execute all previous stagesmake stage3-plots
-> To produce the figures in Note: This will execute all previous stagesmake stage4-paper
-> To produce the a copy of Note: This will execute all previous stages
The Vagrantfile in this repository is tied to VirtualBox. The dataset was obtained with the following versions of its dependencies:
VirtualBox 6.1.32r149290 Vagrant 2.2.19
Additionally, internal dependency packahges were as follows:
Mozilla Firefox 100.0.2 ffmpeg version 4.2.4-1ubuntu0.1 Python 2.7.18 xorg-server 1.20.13 Python 3.8.10 GNU Make 4.2.1 gcc 9.4.0 nginx 1.18.0 iperf 3.7
Host machine used to produce the original dataset used: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz