An automation tool developed in bash, for brusting down the subdomain of any website.
Subbruster is an automation tool for hunting down the domains & subdomains gathering wheather for single or multiple targets. Subbruster uses multiple tools for doing the subdomains & domians gathering job in a perfect way, it can take a domains / targets list and doing the whole operation on them and after finshing the job it save the result in a comprehandable & ordered way.
After the Subbruster finishes gathering subdomains & domains it filters them from the repeated subdomains & domains then filters the only live subdomains. It also use multiple methods to gather subdomains like: gathering subdomains through github searching [requires github token] also from enumerating wordlist based and other effective techniques.
This tool made & developed to work in Debian based Linux systems & have been tested on:
- Kali Linux
And it should work in other security distributions like:
- ParrotOS
- BackBox
- Kali-Linux
- Enum
- Passive Mode
- Intel
- Whois Mode
- Enum
- Gathering Subdomains Through Github Searching
- Deep mode
- Gather much domains & subdomains through DNS, HTTP & HTTPS requests
- Fast mode
- Gather much domains & subdomains through DNS requests only
- Deep mode
- enumerating subdomains through wordlist
- Unuique result filtering.
- Unique & live result filtering:
- httpx
1- Simply change the installation script permession to executable mode then run it:
chmod +x install && ./install
chmod +x subbruster && ./subbruster -t <Target>
: This option is to set the target which [single domains] to gather it's subdomains
: This option is to specify a domains list to gather their subdomains [in the list every domain in a single line] such as:
This option refers to the deep mode in knockpy tool, so to activate the deep scanning mode just use it like -d true
This option refers to the fast mode in knockpy ttol, so to activate the fast scanning mode just use it like -f true
This option is to set a wordlist for the gobuster tool, just use it like -w <wordlist_path>
This option is to set a github token for github subdomain gathering mode, use it like -g <github_token>
This option is to ignore directory splitting while scanning a whole list, for example if the list consists of:
If you do not add the -i
option, the tool will make each target result in a single directory like:
But if you add the -i
option, all the result will be saved in a single directory like:
To display the help menu/options of the tool
MP""""""`MM dP dP dP
M mmmmm..M 88 88 88
M. `YM dP dP 88d888b. 88d888b. 88d888b. dP dP .d8888b. d8888P .d8888b. 88d888b.
MMMMMMM. M 88 88 88' `88 88' `88 88' `88 88 88 Y8ooooo. 88 88ooood8 88' `88
M. .MMM' M 88. .88 88. .88 88. .88 88 88. .88 88 88 88. ... 88
Mb. .dM `88888P' 88Y8888' 88Y8888' dP `88888P' `88888P' dP `88888P' dP
Brust Down your domain
Author/Develop by: MrAashish0x1 Aka
-h ==> Help Menue
-t ==> Target Domain
-l ==> Domains List
-w ==> Wordlist
-d ==> Knockpy Deep Mode
-f ==> Knockpy Fast Mode
-g ==> Github Token
-i ==> Ignore Directory Splitting
[+] -h : It Show The Help Menue For You Such As: Syntax, Examples, Switches
[+] -t : To Use A Single Target Domain To Gather Subdomains On It { Put The Domain Without http Or https }
[+] -l : To Use A Multible Domains Listed In Text File { Put Every Domain In A Single Line Without http Or https }
[+] -w : To Use A Wordlist For The Tools That Support Enumeration List Based { Optionally }
[+] -d : To Use Knockpy In Deep Mode | Switch Usage -> -d true or -d True
[+] -f : To Use Knockpy In Fast Mode | Switch Usage -> -f true or -f True
[+] -g : Set Github Token For Gathering Subdomains From Github { Optionally }
[+] -i : Ignore directory splitting for every domain in list { Only effective while using a list } | Switch usage -> -i true or -i True
Single Domains Based
./subbruster -t -f true -g 55aa66bb4aa8mm9mmss334422-weqas -w /usr/share/wordlist/dirbuster/directories.jbrofuzz
./subbruster -t -d true -g 55aa66bb4aa8mm9mmss334422-weqas -w /usr/share/wordlist/dirbuster/directories.jbrofuzz
Domains List Based
./subbruster -l domains.txt -d true -g 55aa66bb4aa8mm9mmss334422-weqas -w /usr/share/wordlist/dirbuster/directories.jbrofuzz -i
./subbruster -l domains.txt -f true -g 55aa66bb4aa8mm9mmss334422-weqas -w /usr/share/wordlist/dirbuster/directories.jbrofuzz