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Please note that this github repo only contains the code directory mentioned below. The data directory (and a copy of the same code) is available in the Zenodo repository at


The data is available in the Zenodo repository

The data directory contains the data necessary for running the experiments described in the paper. Specifically the files included are the following:

File / Directory Description
df_substructs.tsv The substructures being predicted in the default models (includes substructure names and SMARTS strings
df_labels.tsv The substructure labels for each spectrum in the default train/validate/test set of spectra
df_ids.tsv The spectrum ids and SMILES strings for each spectrum in the default train/validate/test set of spectra
train.mgf The default train spectra in .mgf format
test.mgf The default test spectra in .mgf format
validate.mgf The default validation spectra in .mgf format
binarized_embedded_spectra.npz The vector-embedded binarized spectra in the default train/test/validate sets
documents The geneated documents with fitted formulas and neutral losses (in tsv format) for each spectrum in the default train/validate/test set of spectra

The data files listed in bold specify a given train/test/validate + substructure set and are used to generate those files that are not listed in bold. We include the generated files as a convenience but note that the train/test/validate set and substructures can be changed by the user as desired. The included bolded files correspond to the default train/test/validate spectra and substructures as provided in the MESSAR paper [1]. Details on how to generate the data files are shown below.

[1] Liu Y, Mrzic A, Meysman P, De Vijlder T, Romijn EP, et al. (2020) MESSAR: Automated recommendation of metabolite substructures from tandem mass spectra. PLOS ONE 15(1): e0226770.


The code directory contains the scripts neccesary for preparing data, generating documents, running the LLDA and k-NN models, and calculating ROC performances from both models.


The recommended software environment is provided in a Docker image containing all necessary dependencies available at A Dockerfile used to build this image is included is the code package. If the user would like to install dependencies manually, they are the following:


  • stringr
  • docopt
  • rcdk


  • tqdm
  • tomotopy
  • rdkit
  • sckit-learn
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • pyteomics
  • pandas
  • xlrd
  • molmass

All of which should be installable via Pip or Conda. A requirements.txt file is included in the code package that can be installed via Conda. This will install only the Python requirements, the R requiments must be installed manually.

Generating data and documents

To generate the df_labels, df_ids, and embedded_spectra files, the user may run the following command:

python \
--train_mgf train.mgf \
--test_mgf test.mgf \
--validate_mgf validate.mgf \
--df_substructs df_substructs.tsv \
--embedded_spectra_out <embedded_spectra_fileName_out.npz> \
--df_labels_out <df_labels_fileName_out.tsv> \
--df_ids_out <df_ids_fileName_out.tsv>

Note that the extensions in the output files must be .npz and .tsv respectively. Also note that the validation set may be left empty by passing through an empty .mgf file.

To generate documents from a given mgf file, the user may run the following command:

python \
--in_mgf <in_mgf_file> \
--out_dir <documents_dir> \
--eval_peak_script evaluate_peak.R \
--n_jobs 1 \
--adduct_element H \
--adduct_number 1

This script must be pointed to the evaluate_peak.R script included with this code base. Note that this is a fairly time consuming step. In our tests generating a single spectrum using a single thread could take more than 2 minutes depending on the spectrum. The --n_jobs flag allows for parallelization of formula finding over multiple threads and speeds up the process considerably if multiple cores are available. The --adduct_element and --adduct_number arguments specify if an additional element should be added to each spectrum's molecular formula before fitting molecular formulas.

Running LLDA and k-NN models

Once the data has been generated (or if the user is using the pre-generated data included in the code package), the LLDA model can be run using the following command:

python \
--Q <Q> \
--B <B> \
--out_dir <llda_out_directory> \
--train_mgf train.mgf \
--test_mgf test.mgf \
--documents_dir documents \
--df_substructs df_substructs.tsv \
--df_labels df_labels.tsv \
--num_iterations <number_iterations>

This produces the following files:

File Description
log.txt Contains the LLDA command and parameters passed through to the model as well as the t3 >= 1 and t3 >= 2 metrics for this run
df_preds.tsv The predicted scores for each substructure in each test spectrum
iter_x.tpy The LLDA model at iteration x (which can be loaded using Tomotopy)
df_train_indices.tsv The document index in the Tomotopy LLDA model for each document in the train spectra along with its corresponding filename and SMILES string

We note a few additional optional arguments to the LLDA model shown below

Optional argument Description
mz_cutoff Any spectrum fragments with m/z below this number will be excluded from the model. (default = 30.0)
loss_types Which neutral losses from spectra to include in the model. none includes no neutral losses. parent includes only neutral losses originating from the highest m/z fragment in the entire spectrum. all includes all neutral losses that have been assigned a molecular formula. (default = all)
record_perplexity If set to True will save model perplexities during each training iteration. (default= False)
save_interval The LLDA model will be saved in its entirety every save_interval iterations. The last iteration will always be saved. (default = 500)

The k-NN model can be run using the following command:

python \
--df_ids <df_ids_filename.tsv>
--df_labels <df_labels_filename.tsv> \
--k 10 \
--embedded_spectra <embedded_spectra_fileName.npz> \
--out_dir <knn_out_directory> 
File Description
log.txt Contains the k-NN command and parameters passed through to the model as well as the t3 >= 1 and t3 >= 2 metrics for this run
df_preds.tsv The predicted scores for each substructure in each test spectrum

Calculating ROC performance

After running both the LLDA and k-NN models - to calculate the per-substructure area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), the user can run the following command:

python \
--df_labels df_labels.tsv \
--df_preds_knn <knn_df_preds_tsv> \
--df_preds_llda <llda_df_preds_tsv> \
--df_substructs df_substructs.tsv \
--out_dir <roc_output_directory>

This produce the following files in the output directory

File Description
roc_aucs.pdf A plot of the per-substructure ROC AUC in both the k-NN and LLDA models, colored by train set appearance
precs.pdf A plot of the per-substructure average precision score in both the k-NN and LLDA models, colored by train set appearance
df_rscores.tsv A per-substructure breakdown of ROC AUC, average precision score, train appearance, test appearance, and number of atoms


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