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Out Default Customization

Christos Gkantsidis edited this page Feb 18, 2017 · 1 revision

Formatting default output

The scripts apply a few customizations to the default output stream. For example, the dir command will report the sizes of the files in a more human friendly way, and it will also color the rows based on the extension of the filename. The implementation is in file set-file-colors.ps1. This may be an interesting example of adding a new wrapper over the command Out-Default.

I believe that I started this customization following the instructions from this thread.

The output differs from the default PowerShell output in non-trivial ways for specific types. For example, (Get-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility).ExportedCommands gives more information about the exported commands (in particular, all of their signatures, instead of just their names), but the output is more dense.

If there is any particular type that fails to print, or it should be printed in a different way, let me know in issues.

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