A collection of code examples for training purposes, mostly in the context of data processing and parallel prgramming.
This material is made available as is, i.e., anyone is free to use it, and to contribute. However, no support is guaranteed in any form. It is subject to the license included in this repository.
: sample Fortran code intended to illustrate Fortran 95, 2003, and 2008 features. This material is developed in preparation of a tutorial on modern Fortran features.HDF5
: sample code showing how to read/write HDF5 files from C and Python. HDF5 can be used for parallel I/O, C sample code is provided. This material is part of a tutorial on HDF5.Mpi
: illustration of distributed programming using the Message Passing Interface API.NetCDF
: sample code showing how to read/write NetCDF files for C, Fortran and Python. This material is prepared in preparation of extending the HDF5 tutorial to other data formats using in scientific computing.Optimization
: illustrations of performance optimization opportunities.PBS
: sample PBS torque batch scripts to illustrate features.Python
: sample code to explore various Python features, standard library packages and third party libraries. Most of this material is used in a tutorial on using Python for scientific data processing.R
: some very simple illustrations of how to run R scripts from the command line, and to submit as (PBS) jobsSql
: sample SQL that covers the basics of querying relational databasesVisualization
: data files, XDMF files and ParaView state files to use during a demo of scientific visualization with ParaView.
Geert Jan Bex, Universiteit Hasselt/KU Leuven ([email protected])