Switch on / off.
Switch auto / manual mode.
Change fan rotation speed.
Switch child lock on / off.
Switch LED light on / off.
Switch buzzer sound on / off.
Display temperature.
Display humidity.
Display air quality.
Display filter state.
- Install required packages.
npm install -g homebridge-xiaomi-purifier-3
2. Make sure your Homebridge server is same network with your device, then run following command to discover the token.
miio discover --sync
- You may need to wait few minutes until you get the response similar to below:
Device ID: 49466088
Model info: Unknown
Token: 6f7a65786550386c700a6b526666744d via auto-token
Support: Unknown
4. Record down the `Address` and `Token` values as we need it in our configuration file later.
5. If you are getting `??????????????` for your token value, please reset your device and connect your Homebridge server directly to the access point advertised by the device.
6. Then run the command again.
miio discover --sync
- Add following accessory to the
"accessories": [
"accessory": "MiAirPurifier3",
"name": "Bed Room Air Purifier",
"ip": "192.168.1.x",
"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"did": "xxxxxxxxx",
"enableLED": true (optional),
"enableLEDName": "Some custom LED name" (optional),
"enableBuzzer": true (optional),
"enableBuzzerName": "Some custom buzzer name" (optional),
"showTemperature": true,
"showTemperatureName": "Some custom Temperature name" (optional),
"showHumidity": true (optional),
"showHumidityName": "Some custom Humidity name" (optional),
"showAirQuality": true (optional),
"showAirQualityName": "Some custom Air Quality name" (optional),
"pm25_breakpoints": [5, 12, 35, 55] (optional),
"polling_interval": 60000 (optional)
**Notes:** Set value for `enableLED` , `enableBuzzer` , `showTemperature` , `showHumidity` , `showAirQuality` to **true** or **false** to show or hide these sensors in Home app.
8. Restart Homebridge, and your device will be added to Home app.
# License
MIT License