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Version 6.0.0

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@TheSnoozer TheSnoozer released this 16 May 18:54
· 358 commits to master since this release

Version 6.0.0 is finally there and includes various bug-fixes and improvements :-)

⚠️ This is a potentially breaking release. Read the release-notes carefully ⚠️

Potential Breaking changes:

The main key-aspects that might cause a breakage when migrating to the new version:

  • externalized the git directories used for integration tests as git submodule

New Features / Bug-Fixes:

The main key-aspects that have been improved or being worked on are the following:

  • modernized the issue templates
  • added dependabot to automatically update dependencies
  • added tests for java 11 - java 20
  • git-commit-id/git-commit-id-plugin-core#18: added the ability to generate XML and YML files (see above)

Getting the latest release

The plugin is available from Maven Central (see here), so you don't have to configure any additional repositories to use this plugin. All you need to do is to configure it inside your project as dependency:


Getting the latest snapshot (build automatically)

If you can't wait for the next release, you can also get the latest snapshot version from sonatype, that is being deployed automatically by github actions:

        <name>Sonatype Snapshots</name>

Even though the github actions will only deploy a new snapshot once all tests have finished, it is recommended to rely on the released and more stable version.

Known Issues / Limitations:

  • This plugin is unfortunately not working with Heroku which is due to the fact how Heroku works. In summary Heroku does not copy over the .git-repository but in order to determine the git properties this plugin relies on the fact that it has access to the git-repository. A somewhat workaround to get some information is outlined in #279 (comment)
  • Using maven's plugin prefix resolution (e.g. mvn com.test.plugins:myPlugin:myMojo) might result in unresolved properties even with <injectAllReactorProjects>true</injectAllReactorProjects>. Please refer to #287 or #413 (comment) for details and potential workarounds

Reporting Problems

If you find any problem with this plugin, feel free to report it here