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Quecto-JL is a minimal but capable volumetric and physically-based path tracer written in Julia from scratch. It aims at rendering realistic and complex scenes while being lightweight and user-friendly, without sacrificing performance and being comparable in speed with reasonably optimized C++ implementations, despite being written in a high-level language. It is inspired by Yocto/GL 1, of which it shares the philosophy, the simplicity, the mathematical background, many data structures and the majority of design choices.

Library Design

The library is organized as a standard Julia package. Its dependencies are listed in the Project.toml. The main entry point is the function:

trace(scenePath::String, shader::String, resolution::Integer,
      samples::Integer, filename::String, multithreaded::Bool, quiet::Bool,
      maxBounces::Integer, camera::Integer, displaySampleTime::Bool)

which takes the path to a scene and outputs the rendered image, according to the given parameters, in the directory out/.

Here follows a brief description of the modules in which the package is subdivided.

  • Quecto: main loops of computations.

  • Pathtrace: homogenous volumetric path tracing and its more basic form (without volumes support and with only basic materials).

  • Raytrace: naive recursive raytracing algorithm.

  • Bvh: two-level bounding volume hierarchy to accelerate queries on triangle and quad meshes, line sets and scene instances.

  • Intersect: fast implementations for ray-scene intersections.

  • World: all the data structures that compose a scene: camera model, instances, shapes, materials and environments.

  • Types: basic mathematical and geometrical structures that make meshes.

  • Loader: scene parsing and loading.

  • Algebra: mathematical operations, geometrical transformations and color conversion.

  • Bsdf: sampling and evaluation of bsdf for all types of materials.

  • Pdfs: sampling and evaluation of pdf for all types of materials.

  • Eval: lookup and evaluation of scene properties.

  • Lights: everything needed to perform light sampling.

  • MaterialFunctions: all the math needed to simulate a physically based material.

  • Baseshaders: basic shaders implementation (eyelight, color, normal).



The most capable algorithm implemented is the shader called volumetric, which includes the full set of features implemented in the library. In particular, some features of interest are:

  • rendering of constant-density volumes;

  • russian roulette for early-stopping of ray bounces;

  • light sampling for better convergence in scarcely lighted environments;

  • BSDF and PDF functions for the following materials: matte, glossy, reflective, transparent, refractive, volumetric and subsurface.

A few other shaders were implemented along the way, such as eyelight, color, and normal which can be helpful for debugging and quick previewing and have contributed a lot to the speedup of the construction of the full render. Moreover, two simpler rendering algorithms were implemented: raytracing and pathtracing.

Design notes and optimization

Here follows a brief listing of some interesting choices regarding code style, design, performance, and the main differences in optimization between our library, and the reference, Yocto/GL plus the obviously different choices that must be made to adopt the style, techniques and advantages of the powerful Julia programming language in which Quecto is written.

Code style and typing

Always keeping performance in mind, we followed a simple but rigorous code style throughout the package. The style of Julia we used gives up some of the more high-level features - in particular, the vast use of abstract types and inheritance - in favor of a much stricter and C-like approach to type declaration, only using exact concrete types. For example, most of the math-related methods we wrote accept only Float32 or Int32 parameters (instead of the typical Float or Integer abstract types). This was due to a very practical reason: the exact data type used for different structures matters so much to the performance that we would much prefer the program crashing rather than having Float64s hanging in memory undetected.

All of our basic data types are static, immutable, and stack-allocated. 3D points, for example, are static vectors from the StaticArrays library2, and all structures are immutable. The use of heap-allocated, dynamic collections is very much pondered and restricted to few situations, such as storing the scene data. Usually, whenever we used heap-allocated structures, we spent some computations to calculate their sizes and inform the compiler adequately to have only the correct allocation of maximal size.

Optimization of BVH stack

The algorithm to intersect a ray with the BVH uses a stack structure, implemented as an array of node indices (hard-coded in Yocto/GL to a size of 128): allocating this memory for every iteration (at least in Julia) is extremely wasteful.

A first solution would be to allocate one such array for each thread at the beginning of execution, reusing them throughout the rendering.

However, we found that knowing the global size of these stacks at compile time proves to be extremely beneficial, so we decided to instantiate only one stack, at the beginning of execution, with enough room to accommodate up to 128 threads, each only using a slice of it.

This brings a massive speedup (in the order of 2x) to the render time, with the drawback that machines with more than 128 threads would need to recompile the package changing this global variable. We are not concerned about the waste of memory for machines with less than 128 threads since the whole stack amounts to barely a few Kilobytes.


For bounding box intersection, we adopted at first the most intuitive implementation, described in 3 and 4, that exploits SIMD instruction advantage, as we can see from the following lines of code:

function intersectBbox(ray::Ray, rayDInv::SVec3f, bbox::Bbox3f)::Bool 
    # Absolute distances to lower and upper boxcoordinates 
    itMin::SVec3f = (bbox.min - ray.origin) * rayDInv
    itMax::SVec3f = (bbox.max - ray.origin) * rayDInv 
    # The four t-intervals (for x-/y-/z-slabs, and ray p(t)) 
    maxTmin::SVec4f = SVec4f(fastMin.(itMin, itMax)\..., ray.tmin) 
    minTmax::SVec4f = SVec4f(fastMax.(itMin, itMax)\..., ray.tmax) 
    # Easy to remember: \"max of mins, and min of maxes\" 
    t0::Float32 = fastMaximumComponent(maxTmin)
    t1::Float32 = fastMinimumComponent(minTmax) 
    return t0 <= t1

After some benchmarking and testing, we verified that avoiding the use of vectors and unrolling the comparison, as shown in 5, brings minor improvements in performance, reducing the number of computations needed in the optimal case and removing the overhead of the 4-element vectors' construction and synchronization. Since this function is the major bottleneck of the rendering pipeline (roughly 60% of the time is spent here), we preferred a less readable but slightly faster approach.

Julia specific macros

We thought it could be worth mentioning a couple of Julia-specific macros that were very useful for optimization purposes.

  1. @view makes sure that when accessing slices of vectors no data is ever copied, and everything points to the original memory locations.

  2. @inbounds disables bounds checking. It can be used whenever bounds are already implicitly safe, to improve significantly the performance of loops and vector indexing operations.

  3. @turbo informs the compiler that an operation can be vectorized by exploiting SIMD instruction and a loop unrolled by the factor specified.

  4. @inline hints to the compiler that the following function should be always inlined.

  5. @threads enable multithreading execution of the loop in which it was used.

Results and benchmarks

In this section, we present a gallery of the achieved qualitative rendering results for various types of scenes from various sources 6 using our Julia library Quecto-JL.

Bathroom scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x720 with 8192 samples per pixel

Bathroom scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x720 with 8192 samples per pixel

Kitchen scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x720 with 8192 samples per pixel

Livingroom scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x720 with 4096 samples per pixel

Livingroom scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x720 with 8192 samples per pixel

Livingroom scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x720 with 8192 samples per pixel

Staircase scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x2276 with 4096 samples per pixel

Staircase scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x1280 with 4096 samples per pixel

Coffee machine rendered at a resolution of 1280x1600 with 4096 samples per pixel

Classroom scene rendered at a resolution of 1280x720 with 8192 samples per pixel

Benchmarks and comparison with C++

We observe from the benchmarks below that our renderer consistently performs in the range between 2x and 3x slower than the reference, Yocto/GL, implemented in C++. We are very satisfied with these results, and we believe to have pushed the performance close to the limit of what Julia can offer.

Scene Resolution Yocto/GL Quecto-JL
Coffee machine 1280x1024 3.08s 7.00s
Features 1 1280x533 1.60s 2.50s
Staircase 1 720x1280 3.59s 7.59s
Livingroom 1 1280x720 3.52s 8.47s

Average execution time for a single sample, single-threaded

Scene Resolution Yocto/GL Quecto-JL
Coffee machine 1280x1024 0.25s 0.62s
Features 1 1280x533 0.12s 0.21s
Staircase 1 720x1280 0.28s 0.65s
Livingroom 1 1280x720 0.26s 0.69s

Average execution time for a single sample, with 20 parallel threads

All the benchmarks were performed on an Intel i9-10900k @ 5.3GHz CPU.

Conclusions and future works

With Quecto-JL we have shown that is possible to build a simple Julia CPU pathtracer that runs in comparable time of a C++ implementation, achieving a slowdown of just about 3 times, which on the other hand enables all of the possibilities that come with a high-level language.

A future improvement of this library could be a GPU implementation of the rendering pipeline, possibly thanks to the native support for writing CUDA kernels in Julia.

Also, due to the lack of a Julia library to load HDR textures in the same way that Yocto/GL does, our renders of HDR textures differ slightly. A reimplementation of HDR parsing and loading would uniform our results to the style of Yocto/GL, especially in cases of scenes with very limited light.

Another area from which very interesting research could arise is the expansion of our pathtracing algorithm to work in a bidirectional way. We would expect however to verify a common belief in the rendering industry, that this type of improvement is only helpful in specific cases and does not lead to any noticeable improvements in general.

Lastly, a fundamental addition that would be needed to use this renderer in real-world scenarios would be the addition of a denoising algorithm, which has proven during the last years to be crucial in the rendering of complexly lit scenes.


This work was made possible by the wonderful course in Fundamentals of Computer Graphics held at Sapienza University of Rome by Professor Fabio Pellacini, whose passion and love for the subject are shown in each and every lecture and act as a great source of inspiration.


Antonio Andrea Gargiulo
Giorgio Strano









A pathtracer in Julia inspired by Yocto-GL






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