This extension is a utility for normalizing and returning metadata for collections of fields, associated with various entities in CiviCRM.
Param | Required | Options | Description |
entity |
yes | PriceSet, UFGroup, PaymentBlock, BillingBlock | The entity you want to fetch a collection of field metadata for |
entity_params |
yes | Whatever params need to be sent to the fetcher class to find the fields you are looking for. This usually means an associative array with an id key. |
context |
no | null, Angular | This parameter tells the normalizer to munge the widget type for a specific display, eg, for the Angular context it will translate an html_type of text to crm-render-text. It is used to get the proper widget types for the context in which you want to render the fields. |
civicrm_api3("Fieldmetadata", "get", array(
"entity" => "PriceSet",
"entity_params" => array("id" => 9),
"context" => "Angular"
"is_error": 0,
"version": 3,
"count": 6,
"values": {
"collectionType": "PriceSet",
"title": "Test PriceSet",
"name": "Test_PriceSet",
"preText": "<p>This is Pre-Form Help Text<\/p>",
"postText": "This is Post-Form Help Text",
"fields": {
"price_10": {
"entity": "Contribution",
"label": "Quantity Entry",
"name": "price_10",
"order": "1",
"required": "0",
"default": "",
"options": [],
"price": "5.00",
"displayPrice": "1",
"quantity": "1",
"preText": "",
"postText": "This is Field Help",
"collectionType": "PriceSet",
"defaultValue": "",
"widget": "crm-render-text"
"price_11": {
"entity": "Contribution",
"label": "Price Field Select",
"name": "price_11",
"order": "2",
"required": "0",
"default": "",
"options": [
"label": "Label 1",
"name": "price_11",
"value": "23",
"order": "1",
"required": "",
"default": "",
"price": "1.00",
"preText": "",
"postText": ""
"label": "Label 2",
"name": "price_11",
"value": "24",
"order": "2",
"required": "",
"default": "",
"price": "2.00",
"preText": "",
"postText": ""
"price": [],
"displayPrice": "1",
"quantity": "",
"preText": "",
"postText": "Field Help",
"collectionType": "PriceSet",
"defaultValue": "",
"widget": "crm-render-select"
"price_12": {
"entity": "Contribution",
"label": "Price Set Radio",
"name": "price_12",
"order": "3",
"required": "0",
"default": "",
"options": [
"label": "BBC Radio 1",
"name": "price_12",
"value": "25",
"order": "1",
"required": "",
"default": "",
"price": "11",
"preText": "",
"postText": ""
"label": "BBC Radio 2",
"name": "price_12",
"value": "26",
"order": "2",
"required": "",
"default": "",
"price": "22",
"preText": "",
"postText": ""
"price": [],
"displayPrice": "1",
"quantity": "",
"preText": "",
"postText": "Radio Button Field Help",
"collectionType": "PriceSet",
"defaultValue": "",
"widget": "crm-render-radio"
"price_13": {
"entity": "Contribution",
"label": "PriceSet Checkboxes Test",
"name": "price_13",
"order": "4",
"required": "0",
"default": "",
"options": [
"label": "First Day of Christmas",
"name": "price_13[27]",
"value": "27",
"order": "1",
"required": "",
"default": "",
"price": "4.01",
"preText": "Pre",
"postText": "Post"
"label": "Second Day of Christmas",
"name": "price_13[28]",
"value": "28",
"order": "2",
"required": "",
"default": "1",
"price": "4.02",
"preText": "",
"postText": ""
"price": [],
"displayPrice": "1",
"quantity": "",
"preText": "",
"postText": "Checkbox Field Help",
"collectionType": "PriceSet",
"defaultValue": "",
"widget": "crm-render-checkbox"
Used to register a new Fetcher class for an entity.
A reference to an associative array of classes is passed, where the key is the entity name, and the value is the class for the fetcher.
note The class used must extend CRM_Fieldmetadata_Fetcher
function fieldmetadata_civicrm_fieldmetadata_registerFetcher(&$classes) {
$classes['UFGroup'] = "CRM_Fieldmetadata_Fetcher_UFGroup";
$classes['PriceSet'] = "CRM_Fieldmetadata_Fetcher_PriceSet";
$classes['PaymentBlock'] = "CRM_Fieldmetadata_Fetcher_PaymentBlock";
$classes['BillingBlock'] = "CRM_Fieldmetadata_Fetcher_BillingBlock";
Used to register a new Normalizer class for an entity.
A reference to an associative array of classes is passed, where the key is the entity name, and the value is the class for the normalizer.
note The class used must extend CRM_Fieldmetadata_Normalizer
function fieldmetadata_civicrm_fieldmetadata_registerNormalizer(&$classes) {
$classes['UFGroup'] = "CRM_Fieldmetadata_Normalizer_UFGroup";
$classes['PriceSet'] = "CRM_Fieldmetadata_Normalizer_PriceSet";
$classes['PaymentBlock'] = "CRM_Fieldmetadata_Normalizer_PaymentBlock";
$classes['BillingBlock'] = "CRM_Fieldmetadata_Normalizer_BillingBlock";
Directive | Options | Description |
crmRenderFieldCollection | model, prefix | Renders an entire collection of fields including the collect pre and post help and a title. |
crmRenderField | field, model, prefix | Renders a whole field label, pre and post text and the widget itself. |
crmRenderWidget | field, model, prefix | This is a delegation helper that spawns a widget. Used in conjunction with crmRenderField |
crmRenderChainSelect | field, model, parentModel, prefix | Renders a chain-select such as connecting a country and state from field metadata |
crmRenderCheckbox | field, model, prefix | Renders a checkbox or group of checkboxes from field metadata |
crmRenderExpiration | field, model, prefix | Renders a month/year input like that used in credit card expiration |
crmRenderRadio | field, model, prefix | Renders a group of radio buttons from field metadata |
crmRenderSelect | field, model, prefix | Renders a Select2 widget from field metadata |
crmRenderText | field, model, prefix | Renders a text field from field metadata |
crmRenderTextarea | field, model, prefix | Renders a text-area from field metadata |