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Membership Merge

Membership Merge (org.chorusamerica.membershipmerge) is an extension for CiviCRM which provides an API for merging membership history. The audience for this extension is site administrators.

Diagram: membership log merging strategy

The need for this extension arose from years of modeling memberships in an unorthodox way, where each real-world renewal resulted in the creation of a new membership record rather than an update to the existing one. As a result of this approach, staff were unable to use reports and Scheduled Reminders with confidence (e.g., searching for members with a recurring membership would return members who had a recurring membership in the past but whose current membership is not recurring).


This extension has not yet been published for in-app installation. General extension installation instructions are available in the CiviCRM System Administrator Guide.


  • PHP v7.0.0+
  • CiviCRM v4.7+


$apiResult = civicrm_api3('Membership', 'merge', ['contact_id' => 42]);

// Example output:
// array(2) {
//   [0]=>
//   array(3) {
//     ["membership_organization_contact_id"]=>
//     int(1)
//     ["remaining_membership_id"]=>
//     int(44)
//     ["deleted_membership_ids"]=>
//     array(2) {
//       [0]=>
//       int(11)
//       [1]=>
//       int(33)
//     }
//   }
//   [1]=>
//   array(3) {
//     ["membership_organization_contact_id"]=>
//     int(9)
//     ["remaining_membership_id"]=>
//     int(100)
//     ["deleted_membership_ids"]=>
//     array(1) {
//       [0]=>
//       int(62)
//     }
//   }
// }

See api.Membership.merge in the API Explorer. See also Technical Details for how merges are performed.

Helper Script

The extension ships with a helper script (bin/dedupe-all-memberships.php) which finds every contact with more than one associated membership and passes each to api.Membership.merge. The helper script depends on cv to bootstrap CiviCRM.

Note that in some cases a contact may legitimately be associated with more than one membership (see Technical Details). Attempts to merge which do not succeed are recorded in CiviCRM's log.

If your site does not run the version of PHP required by this extension, you can still make use of it by specifying the version of PHP to use for command line operations. For example:

# Note: your path to PHP may vary

# Step 1: Install the extension (you should be able to do this via the UI
# without trouble, even if your site's version of PHP is too low)
/usr/bin/php7.1 `command -v cv` en org.chorusamerica.membershipmerge

# Step 2: Execute the helper script
/usr/bin/php7.1 /path/to/org.chorusamerica.membershipmerge/bin/dedupe-all-memberships.php

Technical Details

Memberships are merged so that only one remains per membership organization. (Merging memberships which have different types but the same membership organization is consistent with CiviCRM's membership up-sell feature.)

The membership with the latest expiry date is selected as the surviving membership record. The surviving membership is updated with the join_date and source fields from the original membership (i.e., that which has the log record with the earliest modified date). The start_date ("Member Since" in most user interfaces) is calculated by squashing the log records for the duplicate memberships and identifying the start of the most recent uninterrupted membership period.

Membership logs are merged by ordering the logs from earliest to latest modified_date and resolving overlaps in history in favor of the later membership. See diagram above. Care is taken to ensure that only logs from the original membership have a status of "New."

All payment records associated with duplicate memberships are updated to reference the surviving membership.

Conferred Membership

When a contact's ID is passed to the API, any conferred memberships (i.e., memberships where owner_membership_id is not NULL) she may hold are ignored by the API.

The history for conferred memberships is rewritten only when the ID of a contact who confers membership is passed to the API. The conferring memberships are merged, the duplicates are deleted, and the surviving membership is conferred anew. For each conferee, the conferment date is determined from the modified_date of the first membership log associated with the conferring membership or any of its duplicates. The membership log of the conferring membership is then replayed into the history of the conferred membership from that point forward, preserving the data point of the conferment date.

Note: It is common for organizations to offer both individual membership and organizational membership that confers to individuals, and for both classes of membership to be up-sellable. For example, individuals may be offered Student and Full memberships, and organizations may be offered different levels based on budget.

In such a scenario, the organizational membership types should specify one membership organization, and the individual membership types should specify another. Otherwise, an individual with both a personal and a conferred organizational membership can, in some cases, inadvertently cause the type and end date of the conferred membership (which should change only when the organization's membership record changes) to change when upgrading the individual membership.

It is highly recommended that users of this extension ensure their membership type configuration is consistent with the above before performing merges.

Audit Log

For the purposes of debugging, quality assurance, and reconciling old records with the rewritten history, an audit log is provided.

On installation, this extension creates a custom Activity Type "Membership Merge." When a merge is performed, the ID of the surviving membership is stored in the Activity's source_record_id field (the same field that is referenced when other membership events are logged as Activities), while the deleted membership ID is stored in a custom field "Deleted membership ID."

Using a custom Activity rather than an ad hoc database table provides visibility to site users as well as a logging mechanism for ad hoc merges that may occur in the future.

To maximize the value of the audit log, it is recommended that site administrators take a snapshot of the database prior to performing merges. Since memberships will be deleted following the merge, the backup provides the only way to reverse a merge or to perform a detailed review of the changes that occurred.


A suite of PHPUnit tests exists to ensure consistent behavior of the API over time. Developers may run it to verify changes they introduce do not cause regressions, as follows:

cd /path/to/extension/root
env CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests phpunit4 --group headless

See also PHPUnit Tests in the CiviCRM Developer Guide.

Hindsight is 20/20

The code to set up the data against which the tests are performed is far from trivial. The approach was selected to try to take advantage of CiviCRM's logic (i.e., automatic creation of related records, setting of defaults, etc.), but, in retrospect, it would have been much easier to import SQL files. The challenges involved in the logic and in navigating CiviCRM's quirks exceed any of the benefits (see the comment in CRM_Membershipmerge_Merge::updateSurvivingMembership() -- yes, that's right: the decisions around populating the test database impacted the implementation of the extension).

Known Issues/Limitations

  • The API is intentionally limited to dealing with only one contact at a time. Executing a request such as follows will raise an exception:
      civicrm_api3('Membership', 'Merge', [
        'contact_id' => ['IN' => [1, 2, 3]],
    This decision was made to avoid making the implementation more complex than necessary and to minimize misconceptions about what actions are performed against which entities in the case of memberships which involve more than one contact (i.e., when there is conferment).
  • This extension does not attempt to reconcile Activities associated with membership events (e.g., Membership Signup, Change Membership Type, etc.).
  • In some cases, both a success and a failure can come out of a merge operation. Suppose a contact has duplicate memberships in both Chapter A and Chapter B. For Chapter A, the merge is successful. The Chapter B merge fails because of data integrity issues (e.g., none of the records has a join_date). In such a case, the API sets is_error equal to 0 in the response and records the unsuccessful merge attempt in CiviCRM's log.




Provides an API for merging membership history







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