- The task of this challenge is to examine the available database for employee, from 1980s to 1990s.
- The hawaii.sql database (located in Resource folder) is consisted of 2 CSV files (hawaii_measurements.csv and hawaii_stations.csv)
- The measurement.csv consists of id, station, date, prcp, tobs while stations.csv consists of id, station, name, latitutde, longitude, elevation.
*This graph shows precipitation level (in inches) for the last 12 months in Hawaii.
*First we find out which station has the highest number of observations. After that, we created a histogram to see the occureance of certain temperature level.
- We created several routes to retrieve the data from Step 1.
*homepage index to see available routes
*query the precipitation value for date
*query dates and temperature observations of the most active station for the last year of data, in the form of JSON
*/api/v1.0/ and /api/v1.0//
*user can input a specific "start date" (in the format of yyyy/mm/dd) to find min, max, and average of temperature above the start date
*user can input "start date" and "end date" to find min, max, and average of temperature in between range of start and end date
*This bar graph shows the average temperature of starting date trip from the previous year. The peak-to-peak line shows the maximum and minimum temperature.
*This area plot shows the min, max, and average temperature for the trip date.