This App can be used in several different deployment scenarios, but its main use is to expose storage in a KVM-based Management Cluster to customer workloads which are running in a Workload Cluster.
If you wish to make use of this App in your Giant Swarm clusters, please talk to your Account Engineer who will guide you through the requirements.
What is this app?
This app deploys the rook operator to Giant Swarm clusters (both Management and Workload clusters).
Why did we add it?
Using Rook to provide Ceph storage abstracts storage provisioning away from the underlying infrastructure and improves the end-user experience when interacting with storage.
Who can use it?
Anyone may use this app, however it is directly intended to be used in Giant Swarm on-premise clusters, and as such it is customised specifically for this purpose.
Some apps have restrictions on how they can be deployed. Not following these limitations will most likely result in a broken deployment.
- This App will only be available for KVM on-premise clusters.
- The cluster namespace (usually
) must exist before the App is installed.