JSemVer is a Java based parser and comparator implementing the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. It also includes support for NPM like version range selectors.
The semantic versioning specification at semver.org is a widely used syntax and process for managing your projects versions in a semantically meaningful way. Semantic versions pack a lot of information into a small string but programatically accessing that data is not always so easy.
Version v = Version.from("1.2.3-alpha.12+build.043");
int major = v.getMajorVersion(); // 1
int minor = v.getMinorVersion(); // 2
int patch = v.getPatchVersion(); // 3
Label preRelease = v.getPreReleaseLabel();
String stage = preRelease.getPart(0); // "alpha"
String stageAttempt = preRelease.getPart(1); // "12"
Label build = v.getBuildLabel();
String buildId = build.getPart(1); // "043"
Version version = Version.builder(1, 2, 3)
.preReleaseLabel("alpha", "12")
.buildLabel("build", "043")
String versionString = version.toString(); // "1.2.3-alpha.12+build.043"
Version latest = Stream.of("2.0.0", "1.2.3", "1.2.4", "2.0.0-alpha", "1.2.2", "2.0.0-alpha")
.sorted(new VersionComparator()::compare)
Expressions can be used to describe a range of versions to be selected. These selectors mimic the NPM style version selectors.
Simple version ranges are made up of a version and an operator to describe the range being created.
includes only version 1.2.0^1.2.0
includes all versions greater than or equal to 1.2.0 with the same major version.~1.2.0
includes all versions greater than or equal to 1.2.0 with the same major and minor version.<1.2.0
includes all versions less than 1.2.0<=1.2.0
includes all versions less than or equal to 1.2.0>1.2.0
includes all versions greater than 1.2.0>=1.2.0
includes all versions greater than or equal to 1.2.0
More complex version ranges are created by joining simple ranges.
^1.2.0 <1.4.0
includes all versions satisfying both^1.2.0
^1.2.0 || <0.1.0
includes all versions satisfying either^1.2.0
^1.2.0 <1.4.0 || <0.1.0
Note here that AND take precedence over OR.^1.2.0 (<1.4.0 || <0.1.0)
Precedence can be changed with parenthesis.
<selector> := <intersection>
<intersection> || <selector>
<intersection := <group>
<group> <intersection>
<group> := <range>
( <selector> )
<range> := <range op><version>
<range op> := "^", "~", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", <empty>
<version> := See semver.org
VersionRange range = VersionRange.from(">1.2.3-alpha.2 <2.0.0");
List<Version> matched = allVersions
Expressions can be programatically built if needed. To do this, utilize the
class to build a range from a version and for more complicated
scenarios you can use JoinedRange
to create a union or intersection of
of other ranges.
VersionRange range1 = new SimpleRange(RangeOperator.CARAT, Version.from("1.2.3"));
VersionRange range2 = new SimpleRange(RangeOperator.LESS_THAN, Version.from("2.3.4"));
VersionRange joinedRange = new JoinedRange(range1, JoinOperator.INTERSECTION, range2);
boolean valid = joinedRange.contains(version);
- Adding strict flag to version parser. I've found that JSemVer will need to
parse versions that are outside the control of the libraries user and those
versions may not strictly follow SemVer syntax. I've added
Version.from("1.0", false)
which disables strict parsing and attempts to parse the version despite syntax errors. Leniency was added for missing minor/patch numbers and left padding zeros where not allowed. Parsing version ranges will continue to use strict parsing since these are typically within the control of the users of this library. - Fixed bug where versions without labels could end with letters and not throw an exception.