Are you looking for a great shell setup, but don't have hours or days to get a great configuration? Do you want to introduce yourself or others to ZSH and want a starterkit to help make that dirt simple? Do you want something you can install now with amazing defaults that will grow with you if you decide to customize over time? Then this project is for you.
Better shell living through better ZSH defaults - that's zsh-starterkit.
zsh-starterkit is a simple, single command ZSH installer to get new users up and running fast with a well configured and themed Z shell. It combines oh-my-zsh, antigen, and the fish-like plugins from zsh-users as well as other goodies into a powerful out-of-the-box default ZSH configuration. While geared towards quick setup and introducing new users to ZSH, it is flexible enough for seasoned ZSH users too.
zsh-starterkit can be installed by running this curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
The oh-my-zsh project is a great start for your ZSH config with themes and excellent defaults, but it lacks some modern conveniences like autocomplete, syntax checking, and an easy way to install and manage 3rd party plugins. This project builds on the shoulders of giants with the goal of pulling together the best possible out-of-the-box ZSH experience.
You get some of the best plugins:
- oh-my-zsh for a great ZSH base install, and themes, and other goodies
- antigen for an amazing plugin manager to let you extend your Z shell experience
- zsh-autosuggestions to suggest commands as you type
- zsh-completions for tab complete help for common shell commands
- zsh-syntax-highlighting to let you know when you have a typo
- zsh-history-substring-search to let you type a small part of a command and use the up arrow to cycle back in your command history for similar commands
You get some of the best themes:
- oh-my-zsh-themes for a selection of more than 100 themes to choose from
- pure theme is an optional install, though omz includes an earlier version of it called "refined"
- spaceship theme for when you decide you want to go to the next level. NOTE: Requires you to install some non-standard fonts. This one is waiting for when you're ready.
In a nutshell, this is what this project does to a system to get Z shell setup:
- Backs up any existing ZSH config files, (
) - Sets
in a new~/.zshenv
to use the~/.config/zsh
directory instead of cluttering your $HOME - Creates a new ZSH config in the
directory - Installs antigen as a plugin manager. You don't need to know antigen is
used behind the scenes. zsh-starterkit gives you a configuration array in
to add or remove plugins. However, if you want to run antigen commands, they are still available. - Attempts to change your default shell to ZSH
- Installs a set of default plugins including oh-my-zsh and goodies from zsh-users
- Installs this project (not a plugin!) in
and sourceszsh-starterkit.zsh
. - All the magic is in
. This is a thin, micro-framework that serves as mostly an antigen wraper.
Some other notables:
- zsh-starterkit is set to automatically update itself
and your plugins by default, similar to oh-my-zsh and for the same reasons.
This can be turned off. Just to be clear, the update is for zsh-starterkit
itself, and will not reset your
config. That only happens on the initial install. - zsh-starterkit respects the XDG spec and won't clutter up your home
directory - you're welcome! If you have
set to something other than~/.config
, that path is respected. - zsh-starterkit is a framework. It is NOT a plugin. Do not add mattmc3/zsh-starterkit to your $ZSH_PLUGINS. Bad things could happen.
: This file runs on every start of ZSH. zsh-starterkit gives you a great base configuration, but feel free to make changes here to suit your needs.- Plugins : plugins are added via changes to
. Both oh-my-zsh and 3rd party plugins are supported. - Themes : themes are set via changes to
: Some shell environment variables are set here, but this file should generally be left alone unless you are familiar with ZSH.
Q: How do I change my theme?
A: Have a look in $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc
. There you will find the theme
Q: How do I know what themes are available?
A: zsh-starterkit comes with a omz-themes
function to view a list of
oh-my-zsh themes.
Type omz-themes
at your prompt.
Q: Can I try out a theme to see if I like it??
A: Sure! Use the omz-themes
function and provide it with the name of a
theme to try temporarily. Try the half-life theme by typing this:
omz-themes half-life
. If you decide you want to keep a theme, edit your
Q: How do I know what plugins are available?
A: zsh-starterkit comes with a omz-plugins
function to view a list of
oh-my-zsh plugins. Type omz-plugins
at your prompt.
Q: How do I stop zsh-starterkit from updating itself?
A: Have a look in $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc
. There you will find settings to
change this.
Q: How can I make my shell load faster?
A: zsh-starterkit aims for a zippy shell with great defaults, but if you add too many plugins, you may start to see slowdowns. Make sure you only load the plugins you need.
Q: How can I benchmark my shell load times?
A: zsh-starterkit comes with a benchmark
Q: What if I want to stop using zsh-starterkit or make my own setup?
A: The .zshrc file is yours to edit as you please. Remove the zsh-starterkit content from that file and you are free. Also, check out the antigen] project to see how the magic happens.
Q: Why did you choose antigen instead of [insert your favorite plugin manager here]?
A: Antigen is a great plugin manager with fantastic oh-my-zsh theme integration.
Q: Your terminal image shows a dark theme and my terminal is light. How can I pick a dark theme?
A: The dark/light terminal color isn't due to a theme. That's configured in the terminal application itself and not something zsh-starterkit can change. Try your terminal settings, or try another terminal like iTerm2.