Author: Osama Khan
License: MIT
This module helps developers work with the Agresso Unit4 (ver. Milestone 4) Query Engine SOAP webservice easily without worry about the transport layer/protocol and getting data in easible ingestible formats: JSON, CSV
$ pip install pyagresso
from pyagresso.queryengineservice import QueryEngineService
username = os.getenv('AGRESSO_USERNAME')
password = os.getenv('AGRESSO_PASSWORD')
client = os.getenv('AGRESSO_CLIENT')
instance_url = os.getenv('AGRESSO_INSTANCE_URL')
ag = QueryEngineService(username, password,client,instance_url)
about_response_as_xml = ag.about()
[*] Setup basic pypi project and Agresso class with test harness
[ ] Solidify test harness (fixtures for API calls etc)
[ ] Add methods to get response as JSON [Please PR/Contribute]
[ ] Add methods to get response as CSV [Please PR/Contribute]
[ ] Add internal helpers to parse xml (schema+records) [Please PR/Contribute]
[*] Make QueryEngine methods into submodule and add capability for extension into other Agresso modules
[ ] Version the SDK for various Agresso releases
Not using bdd in this library due to small size of module undertest
Please refer to makefile