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refTable Examples

gg314 edited this page Mar 27, 2020 · 3 revisions

Web example

A list of all species in the database.

Python example

# List all unique entries with "walnut" in the common name
walnuts = client.reftable.get(
    colList="common_name, genus, species",
    whereStr="upper(common_name) LIKE '%WALNUT%'\r\n"
Common Name Species
West Indian walnut Juglans jamaicensis
English walnut Juglans regia
Indian walnut Aleurites moluccana
walnut spp. Juglans spp.
black walnut Juglans nigra
northern California black walnut Juglans hindsii
southern California black walnut Juglans californica
Texas walnut Juglans microcarpa
Arizona walnut Juglans major
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