A minimal Spring Boot demo of a Redis PubSub subscriber implementation
See https://github.com/gewure/spring-redis-publisher-demo for the publisher
start REDIS on localhost:
get into SYNC Mode to monitor if everything works:
start both applications, go to PublisherService API, localhost:8080/msg
and submit a message like:
if everything works you should see this in the Subscriber:
Message received: SomeMessageClass(id=33f82f42-5d94-4a35-afcf-be2d2bd507ec, sender=test, message=test, timestamp=1607357572787)
and something like this in Redis:> SYNC Entering replica output mode... (press Ctrl-C to quit) SYNC with master, discarding 178 bytes of bulk transfer... SYNC done. Logging commands from master. "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "PING" "SELECT","0" "PUBLISH","testtopic","SomeMessageClass(id=33f82f42-5d94-4a35-afcf-be2d2bd507ec, sender=test, message=test, timestamp=1607357572787)"